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I return home with the sun rising, I climb back through the window and my room is a disaster. All of my belongings are scattered on the floor. I am so screwed. My diary has pages ripped out and I find my pill bottles in the middle of my floor even though I had hidden them. My parents know everything. They are going to kill me. I hear them arguing in the kitchen. They don't know i'm home yet. I grab my school bag and throw in a few outfits and jump back out the window I just came from. I just started skating, I have no clue what i'm going to do or where i'm going. I just skate.

I end up at skull rock, thankfully nobody else is here. I throw my bag on the ground and sit down. I rest my head on the rough boulder and shut my eyes. My mind is all over the place and I cannot focus. I dig through my bag till I find my walkman and I put in my headphones and just sit there.

I fell something wet hitting my face, its rain.

"Shit, I must've fallen asleep." I mutter to myself.

It is now dark out and my bag is soaked. I open it up and sure enough, everything inside of it is soaked now too. I climb under the boulder for some shelter but it doesn't help much. There are huge gaps all around me. I consider picking up my walkie talkie and asking for help but I resist. I don't want anyone to worry about me. I grab my stuff and decide to start walking to town. Not much is open because it's late. I'm not even sure what time it is, I just need to find someplace dry to settle in for the night.

After wandering about for some time, I discover that the only place open is the 24 hour laundromat. The bell rings as I open the door, the only one here is some older lady reading a book in the corner. I go to the far end of the building and sink down into one of the plastic chairs. My body is just so exhausted from everything so I decide I better get some real sleep. I set up two chairs next to each other and try to get as comfortable as I can. This is where the homeless people stay so i'm sure I won't get kicked out. I use my bag as a pillow and also so nobody steals it. I then drift off into a deep sleep.

I dream about Billy. I just wish I would've done something to help him. Instead I just watched him get killed right in front of my eyes. I dream that he is still here and we are happy. No more fighting, we have the perfect parents and a normal family. I maybe could have had that but it's too late now. Everything is different, without Billy here my step-dad (Neil) doesn't have anyone to take his anger out on. It's now my turn. I try to avoid him at all costs but it gets hard.

I can't get my mind to shut off even while i'm sleeping. I try to imagine happy thoughts, me and El having countless sleepovers at Hoppers cabin or hanging out at Scoops' Ahoy annoying the hell out of Robin. She pretends to be aggravated but I know she secretly likes me pestering her. I love my friends, they are the only family I have.

I slowly get up and the sun is now out. I decide I need to do something, I have to go to one of my friends houses. As much as I don't want to be a burden, I don't have any other choice. I grab my bag and skateboard and flee out the door, the bell ringing behind me. I decide my best option is to ask if anyone is even home first. I grab my walkie and turn it on. It makes a quiet humming sound.

"Hey guys, it's Max."

I hear Dustin's voice but it sounds like it is underwater.

"Shit." It must have broken from the rain. Mike is going to kill me, he used his own allowance to buy all party members one and he had a huge speech about being careful with them.

I then remember Will talking about meeting up today at Mike's for their dumb dragon game they play. Maybe everyone will be there, I hop on my skateboard and head to Mike's house.

Steve is walking up the walkway when I get there.

"Hey Red." he says.

"Hey what are you doing here, trying to sneak in some "study time" with Nancy?" I wink.

"No, Dustin was asking everyone to come over. So... here I am!"

I roll my eyes at his dorkiness and we head in together. We go downstairs and I start to head to my usual spot on the sofa but then everyone starts yelling at me all talking at the same time.

"MAX?! We thought for sure you were dead!" Dustin exclaims.

"Where have you been? We've been worried sick!" Robin says, sounding like a mother.

El just pushes through everyone and hugs me. I'm not used to hugs, especially from her but I hug back anyway. I always try to act tough but I am just so drained and vulnerable right now.

"I'm guessing this was what you all called a meeting for? I didn't even know she was missing?" Steve states, completely clueless.

How do they even know, I think to myself. I sit in my spot and everyone comes over surrounding me. The questions start rolling in again but I can't make out any of the words cause there are too many people talking at once. I think Nancy sees i'm in distress so she quiets everyone down. The room is dead silent now and all eyes are on me waiting for me to say something.

Nancy starts, "Are you okay Max? What happened?"

"Well what do you guys know? How did you even know I was missing?"

"Your parents went to the station saying you have been doing drugs and that you need to be arrested. Hopper was worried and came over to ask if we knew about your whereabouts. Eleven is worried sick because Hopper won't tell her what is going on and she doesn't even know what drugs are. Neil has came to all of our houses screaming like a banshee insisting that we give you to him. We had no clue where you were and we all have just been worried about you." Dustin explains calmly.

I feel my thoughts whirling. They know, they all know. This is not good, how am I even supposed to explain? They will not understand. I start sobbing, i'm not sure why but it feels nice and I don't stop.

"Hey Max, it is all okay. You're safe here. I will not let that bad man get you" El says, unsure of what to do.

"Hey why don't we all give her some space? How about you kiddos head upstairs and watch a movie or something while we talk to Max." Nancy suggests, taking charge.

They all silently agree and walk up the stairs, El gives me another hug before she goes. Robin follows them to keep them under control. Now it is just me, Nancy, and Steve. I'm sitting between them on the sofa still crying. Steve offers me a tissue but I just fiddle with it in my hands.

"Max, I know that there is a lot going on right now but I think we need to talk." Nancy starts. "What pills have you been taking? We need to make sure your okay."

I stay silent for a minute but I feel them staring at me so I decide to speak up or at least try to.

"I was just in so much pain Nance, my parents would not get me any medicine so I stole my moms pills from her stash. I don't know what they were, I just started taking them." I say, choking on my tears.

Steve clearly just now hearing about all of this, "What do you mean? We all thought they were following the hospital's advice and taking care of you!"

"You guys overestimated my parents. They just took me home so that they didn't have to pay any more bills. I've been grounded in my room with absolutely nothing since I got home, which is nothing new."

"I swear to god, the second I see your parents they are dead." Steve blurts clearly frustrated.

"Calm down Steve, that is not helpful right now." Nancy says. "Max, is anything else going on at home. Have they been hurting you? Please talk to us, we just want to help."

I pull my knees to my chest and close my eyes.

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