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I don't remember going to bed last night but I wake up in Robins bed. I am super dizzy, and my head is pounding. I climb out of bed and stumble into the living room, Robin is cooking eggs and the smell of food makes me want to barf.

"Well, Good morning sunshine." She says, placing my plate on the table. 

I groan in response. I find my way to the bathroom and throw up my insides. Robin rushes in and holds my hair back. 

"I need medicine, I feel like shit." I whine.

"You feel like shit because you are detoxing. No medicine, we will get through this just fine." She answers, helping me up. 

"Please Robin! I feel like I'm dying." I continue,

"I'm sorry kiddo, but no." She says sternly. "Tomorrow is first day back to school, we're all going to go to the mall today and are getting new clothes. Hopper gave me some money for you so you can pick out whatever you'd like." She says, easing up.

I smile and jump up to go get my shoes. 

"You need to eat your breakfast first Max."

"I don't feel very good." I answer, not entirely lying.

"Fine. But you will eat something at the mall, okay?"

I nod my head and grab my shoes.

We hear a car horn and head downstairs. Nancy is here with the whole group. It's going to be a very squished ride. 

"Max! I've missed you so much!" Eleven says, scotching over for me to sit. 

"Hey El, I missed you too." I lean in and give her a hug. I just gave someone a hug, that is so unlike me. Eleven must've been shocked too because she got quiet suddenly but still hugged me back.

"Hey Max." Lucas nods his head at me. 

"Hi stalker." I reply.

"Well, she seems to be just fine." Mike chimes in. Will elbows him in the chest.

"Why wouldn't I be?" I ask suspiciously.

Nobody answers, instead they look away from me. 

"How about some music?!" Steve yells, trying to lighten the mood.

We all groan but he turns it on anyways. 

About 15 minutes later we are pulling up to the mall. It is packed with people as it is the grand opening since they re-did it after the "fire". 

Everyone piles out of the car, and we make our way inside. El links my arm and I smile, it's the first time I've been happy in a while. I feel like shit physically but mentally, I am at peace. 

"Okay everyone, we will meet at the food court at 12! Don't do anything stupid!" Steve yells as we already are running off. The boys head into some game store while me and El run into the clothing store giggling. It feels just like old times. We scurry through the clothing racks and pull out a few outfits. I grab a few pairs of jeans and some T-shirts from the clearance rack, saving just enough money to buy a pair of new shoes. I settle on a pair of black converse. I haven't had new shoes in forever. After we are all finished shopping, we head back towards the food court. On the way, we see Robin and Nancy walking in a store. Me and El make a plan to try to sneak up on them and scare them. We sneak around the corners and follow them to the back of the store. They have stopped and are whispering to each other. I peek around the corner to make sure it was them before we jumped out and I can't believe my eyes. They are kissing! Robin and Nancy are kissing! My jaw drops and I freeze, El must've noticed because she came out from our hiding place to see what was happening. They noticed us and stopped immediately. Nancy starts rambling begging us not to say anything. We nod our heads fiercely and run out of the store laughing. We get to the food court before anyone and find a table. 

"I thought girls weren't allowed to kiss each other." Eleven says wonderingly.

"They are, some people like the same gender, or they like both genders. And then there are people who only like the opposite gender. Take Dustin for example, he only likes girls. He has a girlfriend, Suzie. But Robin only likes girls, she doesn't like boys. And I think Nancy likes both since she has had boyfriends and she was kissing Robin. It's all complicated but you can like anyone you like; it doesn't matter if they are a boy or girl." I try to explain the best I can.

She just nods, deep in thought.

"And hey, we can't tell anyone what we just saw." I say.

"Okay." She answers. 

"How about some pizza?" I ask.


"No El. They don't have Eggos here. Pizza is the next best thing."

She frowns but follows me to get some pizza anyways. 

I buy her a slice with the rest of my money, and we take it back to the table. 

"What are you going to eat?" She asks. 

"Oh, I'm not really that hungry." I lie. "Hey, I'll be right back, I've got to use the bathroom." I lie again.

Her mouth is stuffed with pizza, so she just shoots me a thumbs up. 

I head towards the bathroom but then pass them and shoot around the corner. I head into the drug store, keeping an eye out for anyone. I go down the medicine aisle and look around, making sure nobody is watching and then quickly slide a few bottles of pills into my pocket. I rush back towards the entrance and think I'm in the clear until I feel a hand on my shoulder. "Shit." I mutter. 

"Hey Missy. I saw what you did. Follow me back in here now." A man with big shoulders and a scruffy beard says, blocking the door. I bow my head and obey. He takes me into a room and ushers me into a chair. 

    "Empty your pockets young lady." He orders. I take out two bottles of pills and throw them on the table. "Watch the attitude or I'll call the police right now."  I just roll my eyes in response.

"What else do you have?" he asks sternly.

"Thats all. Can I go now?" I ask boringly. 

  "I know you have more. Take it out or I'll grab it myself."

"No, I don't, and you are not touching me." I yell.

"You leave me no choice." He gets out of his chair and walks over to me.

I squirm and fall out of my chair. I get by the door and try to turn the handle but it's locked. 

He swings a key in my face and grins.

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" I scream as loud as I can. 

He bolts to me and puts his hand on my mouth and throws me back into the chair. 

"Just give me the goddamn pills." He whispers angrily. 

I grab the pills off the table and throw them at his face. He grabs his face swearing. I see blood trickle down his nose. 

"For fucks sake, you're insane." He yells. 

Just then the door swings open and Eleven is standing in the doorway.

  "How the fuck did you open the door?! I have the only key!" He yells at El.

She just smiles at him, wiping her nose and then grabs my arm and we run out of the store. Robin is waiting for us, and we head back to the car. 

When we arrive at the car, everyone is waiting for us. Before we get in, Robin pulls me to the side. "We are talking about this when we get home." She says angrily.

I nod and slide in the car, Robin glares at me the whole ride back.

We pull into Robins apartments and I get out of the car. 

"Can I spend the night, pretty please?" El begs, with puppy dog eyes.

Robin looks at us back and forth then says, "Alright fine, I'll call Hopper." Eleven jumps up and down excitedly and follows us in.

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