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"Guys! Are we ready?!" Steve calls out.

I jump up from my spot and walk over to the others.

"Hopper called it in, so Sullivan and his men are probably on the way. We need to get into position." He instructs.

Everyone scrambled to grab their homemade weapons and such. They've been busy making shields, swords, etc. I've just been sitting here this whole time sharpening my lousy pocket knife.

I guess the plan is that they are going to have El stand in the middle of the junkyard using her powers and whatnot while we surround the junkyard keeping them away from her. Once they get here, the plan is simple. Kill Sullivan and get away. I go and take my position at the edge of the junkyard, they put me towards the back with the older kids up front. Eleven is standing her ground keeping a cautious eye on everyone.

We start to hear ruffling of leaves in the woods.

"They're here. Don't panic, just remember the plan." Steve stutters.

Men in uniform emerge from the woods with Sullivan leading them.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" Sullivan starts.

I take in a deep breath and focus. I remind myself that I am only backup and I need to stay out of the way.

"What is this? Do you think you guys can beat us? What, are you guys like in elementary school or something?" Sullivan continues.

"No! We are in high school!" Dustin snarks, proud of himself.

"Oh why excuse me." Sullivan remarks. He points towards us and his men slowly approach. "Why don't we just make this easy, all we need is the girl. She is remarkably dangerous and she will be coming with us."

"See, that's where you're wrong. She is not going anywhere, and she is not dangerous." Steve argues.

Steve launches straight towards Sullivan with all his might. One of his guys interferes and knocks Steve to the ground. Sullivan lets out a sheepish laugh and starts walking towards El. She uses her powers to push him away.

"Come on now, don't make this hard. It will get messy real quick." Sullivan states, motioning towards his guys with guns.

Great, I brought a knife to a gun fight. I think to myself.

Steve is back up now and is in a full on fist fight with one of the guys. Somebody shoots a gun as a warning, i'm not sure who did it but now everyone is tensed. His guys get closer and Lucas picks a fight with one. I look and count 10 guys, 10 big guys with huge guns. There is 9 of us and only 1 has a gun, Nancy. Steve grabs his bat full of nails and declares war. Soon enough everyone is fighting. During the chaos, Sullivan grabs El from behind and puts a gun to her head.

"KIDS! CAR, NOW." Steve orders. Will, Mike, Lucas and Dustin run to the car. I disobey, nobody notices though.

All of Sullivan's guys are down, I have no clue how we did it but all that is left is Sullivan and he has El right now. Steve slowly approaches with his arms in the air.

"Let her go man." Steve speaks softly but aggressively.

"And why exactly would I do that?" Sullivan asks.

"LET HER GO!" Steve repeats but louder.

"Move an inch closer and I will shoot her." Sullivan states, dangerously calm.

They still haven't seen me so I take my chances. I run towards him from the bush and stab him in the neck. He turns wildly dropping El and punches me, I fall to the ground.

"You fucking bitch." Sullivan faces me and then shoots.

"NOOO!" Nancy screams. Nancy and Robin come running to my side while Steve charges at Sullivan knocking him to the ground. Without thinking he grabs Sullivan's gun and shoots him.

Eleven comes rushing over along with the rest of the group. Steve takes off his shirt and wraps it around my shoulder. I don't feel anything, the world is spinning and I keep nodding off.

"Steve, pick her up and put her in the car. We need to get her to the emergency room." Nancy says worried.

"Please, no more hospitals. My mom doesn't have the money to pay the hospital bills and I'm exhausted of the hospitals." I mutter.

Steve already is carrying me to the car.

"You have to go, you were shot for god-sake!" Steve yells.

"My parents aren't rich like your family. I'm fine!" I yell back.

"Okay, fine. We won't go to the hospital but we have to get it cleaned up quick. Steve, drive us to my house. I have first aid stuff there that I can use." Nancy says unsure.

El is holding my hand, well... more like squeezing it. Robin is holding the shirt tight on my shoulder. The boys are sitting in the back quiet, which is kind of weird since they never shut-up.

We pull up and Steve opens the back door and tries to pick me up.

"I can walk. It's just my shoulder." I say, climbing out of the car.

I take a few steps and then it goes black.

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