Chapter 1:

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3rd person pov:

It was a night like any other, Charlie had spent it breaking the law with his wanna be gangster friends, while yn was reading all day, ignoring everyone who tried to interact with her in any way. But of course, that fact is overlooked as it always is in the eyes of her parents. That afternoon the police came and knocked on the yln's door, with the claim that someone had stolen from the only shop in town, which should make it quite easy to know who committed the crime.

At least, that's what yn thought. As soon as the cops were out the door yn felt a hand on her left cheek, followed by her right, then three punches to her stomach. Yn felt as if she couldn't breathe when her father finally stopped, while her mother bent down and screamed at yn, a fresh wave of tears streaming her down face. After hours of beatings and lectures, yn is finally sent to her room for the night without dinner.

Even though this is what Charlie wanted, the blame on yn, he always felt guilty when she faced his consequence. He didn't like it when this happened to yn, but he much rather yn faced it then him, he much preferred yn be the evil twin then him.

After dinner, desert, and a movie Charlie went to bed happy, until he heard his sister's quiet sobs. Yn cried for hours afterwards, but she never wanted anyone to know that she did. Yn just sat down on bed, opened her window, and stared at the sunset like she did most nights. She wasn't perfect, she herself knew it, but she wasn't a criminal, and she didn't deserve the family she had. That's what she believed, what she wanted to believe, what she had to believe.

That night, as the sun finally disappeared over the horizon, something happened, something supernatural. The night sky turned red, something that had never happened in yn's whole life, and yeah, she should've been scared shitless, yn actually found it quiet relaxing.

That was, until a something made of smoke poked it's head in yn's window, it had the shape of a human, but the only detail within itself was two giant red eyes. It entered through yn's window and grabbed both the twins, before running into the woods with them. It dropped them far into the woods and left them with no idea where they were.

Yn pov:

"What the fuck was that?!" Well damn Charlie, does it look like I know

"How the hell would I kno-aaaaaarrrrrggghhhhh!" Am I flying!

Something came out of the trees and took Charlie and I, before flying back up through the trees not caring if we were hit with branches or got things stuck in our hair (mainly my hair but that's beside the point). Charlie had blacked out for a minute which only makes me panic even more, whilst I was screaming at what looked like a boned bird to bring us back home.

After what felt like hours, two castles came into view – castles! Where the fuck does someone find castles these days. Charlie had woken up by now and had joined me in screaming at the bird, but it didn't do anything help, only made our throats sore.

As we were flying over the good castle the bird dropped my screaming figure onto a pile of flowers before flying away with my brother!

"Charlieeeee! Chaaaaarlieeee!" Great, here I am at a strange place, without my twin! What could go wrong?

There's a reason people tell others not to say or think that it sort of edges the world to challenge it, and here comes my challenge. A bunch of prissy pink princesses walked over to me, and as I now realise, another girl. This girl had curly dark hair, that looked like a mess – probably because of the bone bird – and she was wearing a dark blue coat and a white shirt that was coated in mud and dirt. I was going to say something but then a flying creature flew up to her face and instead instead I screamed, she reacted and hit it and th-

"Did she just hit a fairy?"

"Huh-what?" I don't think it's gonna want her to touch it now, yeah there's the bite.

'Oh dear, you must be lost."

'Yeah. Yeah, that is an understatement. How do I get out of here?" damn, really gonna ignore me, okay

"What the hell is it?" A human are they blind?! "The one behind her is a definitely a princess, but this thing can't be." Me?! Why are they talking about me! Shit, are they gonna hit me or something, I hope not.

"It looks like a witch."

"I'm thinking troll."

"I say demon." What sort of demon looks like that?!

"Maybe part hunchback?"

"I don't have a hunch."

"Then you really need a tailer."

"How do I get over to that school?" wait, that would mean this is a school, and if I'm in this one, Maybe Charlie is in the other! I'll just go with this strange girl to the 'other school' and find him then. Yeah, that sounds like a plan.

Authors note: again, I've never written a fanfic before so sorry for anything wrong.

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