Chapter 3:

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yn pov:

Finally. My friend Sophie wanted to be here. Agatha quickly stated, as if wanting to know the answer as quickly as possible. But I had to agree, so did I. The Never? No. Never? The what? I'm starting to like Agatha even more now, she's saving me from having to talk myself. Your friend is a Never. You are an Ever. Ever, because we believe living happily ever after. Nevers, because they don't. school for Evil, School for Good. So, my twin is EVIL!!! That can't be right. Can it? He's nice to me on occasion but yeah, must of the time he blames me for everything and leaves me to handles the punishments. A shiver went down my spine just thinking of all my parents would do to me when they should've been doing it to Charlie.

I didn't listen to the rest, I couldn't. I didn't want to think that my twin, MY TWIN, was evil and I was good. That went against everything that my parents had taught me my entire life, and I wasn't about to throw away the one lesson the ever taught me. I wasn't going to, so I'd just have to wait until orientation or whatever before finding Charlie and leaving. I had enough answers, for now at least.

This professor Dovey had just brought Agatha down to one of the chairs in the middle of the room and gestured for me to follow. Of course, I did, because I was scared of what so would do to me if I didn't, and that wasn't a gamble I was willing to take. In barely a minute Agatha had tried to storm out before Dovey stopped her, and talked about something that I couldn't here. But by the glare Agatha was giving Dovey I don't know if I really do want to know what they're talking about.

Besides, there is no way back. I heard professor Dovey say under her breath. Wait-What! No way back, how is that possible. I will find a way back and me and Charlie will leave before anything bad happens. I wanted to know what the rest of the conversation was about by between Charlie being evil and there being no way home, I just couldn't concentrate on what they were talking about. It wasn't until clothes sprung from the walls did, I realise that Dovey wanted us to change into one of the stupid dresses.

I stood up so quickly that I needed to put a hand on the table to balance myself. No way. Absolutely no freaking way am I wearing one of your stupid dresses! I tried to say it calmly but my voice had been raised by the end of my denial. I'm so very sorry yn but you have to, and you will. It's the only way you'll be allowed to go to the orientation and continue with classes. But if you don't want to wear a neon colour I guess that is alright as long as it still looks good. What makes her even think that I wanted to go to this stupid orientation and classes. I could feel anger taking over my entire body, I always felt this way back home, but just like every other time I would push my anger aside and deal with whatever had been thrown at me.

As me and Agatha walked into the orientation place I walked a bit away from her, hoping to find Charlie on my own. She did the same, and I was grateful that I would get to talk to Charlie by myself, once I found him that is. I had only walked half the way down the aisle or whatever before I heard my name being shouted. Yn! Yn over here! As I whipped my head towards the noise, relief washed over me at the realisation that it was my brother. Charlie! Are you okay? Where did the bird take you once it dropped me? do you know how to get out of here? what are you wearing?! I had just exploded my worries onto him before I noticed what he was wearing.

Out of everything you could ask me, one of you top four questions are what am I wearing? Good to see that you're acting the same. Charlie said with the most obvious tone of sarcasm I've ever heard. Was there something wrong with how I acted? What do you mean by that? All I meant was that back home you wouldn't be caught dead in that, it doesn't make you look like total trash. I quipped back. why was he being such a dick? More than usual I meant, why couldn't he just be nice for a change. Charlie didn't have a chance to say anything back before we heard a voice deep enough to be a growl saying, Sit down reader! What the fuck! A wolf wearing armour growled at Charlie, while a fairy hissed at me. I didn't need to be told twice, I knew what it meant. Me and Charlie shot each other one more look before going to our seats, and mine happened to be right next to Agatha at the front.

Two women, one of the m being professor Dovey stood up from their chairs and walked into the centre of the platform quietly speaking to each other. Grace and beauty first. Professor Dovey softly spoke. Oh, if you insist, Clarissa. WHO...IS...SHE! I swear my heart jumped into my throat once the other woman gained my attention. So glad you agree. Wait, what? did Dovey think that it was her fitting the description. Because it's no-stop! stop thinking like that yn! She's clearly a never or whatever so you can't like her in any sorts.

Welcome, First-year students! I am Professor Dovey, Dean of the School for Good. Professor Dovey exclaimed. Yeah, yeah. We get it, people also get that the prissy princesses around me are evers no need to scream it. And I'm Lady Lesso, Dean of the School for Evil. The other woman declared. HOT. No! No! Definitely not hot! Why are the nevers screaming to kill us? I'm so confused and the deans only started talking like 30 seconds ago. Bang, bang, bang! I flinched at the sudden loud sound that echoed through the hall.

I should've been listening to what they were saying, I know that there might have been some answers in deans' speeches. But I just couldn't pull my eyes away from Lady Lesso. I know it's bad, really, I do, but I just couldn't stop staring. The way she said her name and occupation made my stomach flutter, a new feeling I most certainly didn't like.

As the orientation went on all I did was look at Lady Lesso. All at once boys marched in carrying swords looking like total idiots so much that I couldn't help but snicker at them. Apparently, that caught the red heads attention because for the first time today I saw a glimpse of interest in her eyes, eyes that were looking at me! I looked back at the Evil dean, feeling heat rise through my neck to my face. Upon seeing me blush, Lady Lesso raised an eyebrow with a smirk on her face which only caused my face to redden all the more.

Are you bored here, my darling? My head whipped around looking for the source of the voice. There was no sign that anyone had talked to me, so I eventually gave up in the search and looked back at Lady Lesso. Answer my question. what the fuck?! Is someone in my head! Y-yeah, I guess I am. God, this is so stupid. Cute. Never seen a princess bored from princes before. My head shot up from the comment, probably looking like a tomato, and once again looked around for the mysterious voice. Who are you? Did the voice call me cute! Why do I care, why did it make my stomach flutter? Lady Lesso. And I'm talking to you because you've peaked my interest, and that's hard to do, especially if you're a princess. Holy fuck. Lady Lesso is interested in me! No! No! I can't think like that. Am I supposed to be flattered to have your attention? And I'm not a princess, I was flown here by a huge dumb bird and all I want is to go home. Best way to act cool with a complement, act like it doesn't mean a damn thing to you. It's the way my parents installed in me when I was young.

Going home is impossible, darling. Never been done before, and never will be. Meet me after the ceremony and I'll explain what I can. You look like a princess, by the way. Have fun with your princesses, sweetheart. I felt the presence in my mind that must have been her slipping away, and I began to panic. Wait! What do you mean impossible! Where do I meet you! I got no respond so I looked over to her, only to see her wink at me before returning her attention to the orientation. I tried to pay attention to all that was going on but I just couldn't pull my eyes off of Lady Lesso. The only time my eyes weren't glued to her statue was when a rose fell onto Agatha's lap right next to me, and the prince started talking to her. Of course, Agatha gave him attitude, I didn't expect anything less of her, but what I didn't expect is when Tedros I think his name was turned to me.

Your friend needs to learn respect. I'm going to be a king one day. Tedros spoke to me, his voice laced with annoyance and ego. I hate anyone looking at me, and now the whole hall is including Lady Lesso. But this wasn't one of the times that I can blend in with the crowd, I have respond somehow this time. No, I think you're the one who needs to learn respect. And being a king will mean nothing if your head is to big for you crown. I throw back, scared what will happen next. The hall erupted in shock, Charlie showing it the most, I don't think he's ever seen me respond and retaliate to something.neither had I, to be honest. Tedros just huffed and moved to his seat next to the main bitch of a princesses from earlier. And just like that the assembly continued on.

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