Chapter 5:

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yn pov:

I can't believe Charlie just said that to me! He saw everything that I had to go through at home, it all being his fault as well, and yet he thinks he has the right to tell me that I got abused because I misbehaved. I don't know why I even wanted to go home with him, he would just continue to be the fault for my constant bruises and hate for life.

I ran through the halls for the school for good, looking for a reasonable place to hide, I wouldn't let anyone see me break down. There are doors everywhere, like why not just have open gaping doorways. I ran through doors until I exited the school for good, birds being the only living creatures around me. I wanted to be in a private place, but all of the nevers would already be back in their school and no evers would come out here so it should be a private enough place to cry without anyone knowing. I broke down behind the door, pulling my knees up to my chest and laying my head on them, hoping no one would hear or see me.

I must have been out here for at least 20 minutes already before I heard the door open to the sound of heels and cane. I tried to stop crying until they passed but whoever it is must've heard my sniffling or saw my figure hiding behind the door. I felt a hand on my shoulder and out reflex I flinched away, hoping the person would just leave. Obviously, they didn't, which I why I started to back away into the wall, more then I already was.

What's wrong? The person spoke nonchalantly. It was her, of course it was her who saw me like this. Nothing. I lied, I don't know why I said it though, lying to the dean of evil with a lie as bad as mine is a death wish. When there's nothing wrong people don't cry as you are now darling. What's wrong, I won't ask again. Lady Lesso spoke coolly. Only she could make saying that sound so hot-no! No! DEAN OF EVIL! You can't like her like that yn! You were there, you heard what he said to me. I say with a very shaking voice that breaks at the end of my sentence. Why do you care what a random never says? A first year as well. Lady Lesso inquired. And I realised she had sat down beside me, close but not close enough to touch. Because he's my twin. I whisper, almost hoping she doesn't hear it. There was silence for what felt like an eternity before I heard her speak again. Come to my office with me and explain it all to me there. Like I said in your mind my darling, you've peaked my interest. Lady Lesso offered. All I could do was nod, my breathed hitched in my throat at her words. What about me has got her interested? I'm completely normal and have nothing special about me, and that's compared to a normal person back home, not someone who comes from this world.

We started the walk over the bridge in silence, Lady Lesso walking casually like it was normal for her to invite a princess into her office, and me walking all tense waiting for a slap to the face or push into the water. Will you relax a bit? I'm not going to do anything to you, you're an ever, it's against the rules for me to. Lady Lesso finally said, breaking the silence. But if I was a never, you would do something to me? I ask back, clearly wanting to die faster then I already think I'm going to. Never seen a princess with attitude before. If you like, however I can teleport us to my office. Lesso offered, but if she was there has to be a catch or something. How would you teleport us? I ask, wanting to know what her deal is. It's not hard, and it doesn't hurt. I just pick you up, use my magic and then we'll be at our destination in a matter of moments. She explained. Not like I was expecting it to hurt or anything, but if it did it would probably feel like one of my parent's weaker punches but picking me up is another story. I have bruises everywhere, most being covered by this ridiculous dress, but if she picks me up then surely she would see some of them, even with the terrible lighting. But I don't exactly want to walk the halls of the school for evil, so I guess it's worth the risk.

Alright. I breathe, hoping it gets my message across. Lady Lesso stop walking, turn to me, and scoops me up bridal style, so suddenly that I feel my face explode with warmth. I don't even realise that we're in her office, or that she's waiting for me to get off of her. You can jump down now darling. Or you can stay clinging to me, your choice. I just look at her blinking, my mind having gone completely blank. Lesso lets out a light chuckle, and I wish I could listen to that sound forever, before moving to the chair at her desk and sitting down, me still in her arms. Now. Tell me what's gotten you so rattled from talking to your twin. Lady Lesso speaks, and it's clearly not a question or offer that I can choose to just not answer. Charlie used to break the law a lot at home, and he thought that because he is my parents favourite that he could get away with anything. So, he started to be less discreet, breaking more rules, harming himself and others, until the police finally caught him. I say.

I get a hum from Lady Lesso telling me to keep talking. The officer brought him straight home and held him by the collar as my father answered the door. He dealt with the officer saying that he would deal with the guilty how they needed to be punished. I had just left my room from reading all day, I always hated my family before it all began. I explain to her, hoping she understood everything up to the point I've gotten to, because I really hate saying this stuff to anyone. Before what started моя принцесса? Lesso questioned. I didn't want to tell her, I wanted to ask her what she'd said, but I knew procrastinating wouldn't get me out pf having to tell her. Abuse. I say it barely audible, but I know she heard it. It was Charlie's fault I got abused, it always has been. He would get in trouble by police officers and my parents would blame and treat me as if I was the criminal. Charlie would watch sometimes, see what our mum and dad would do to me, but say and do nothing about it. I say, feeling how the tears cover my cheeks in the process.

No need to cry котенок, they're not here. They can't hurt you now. Lady Lesso tells me, and once again I felt the urge to ask her she's saying, to at least tell me the language but I don't. I just continue instead. It was constant, I tried at the start to tell them to stop, to try and convince them that I wasn't the one that did everything. But it only made things worse, and I don't think they cared. I don't think it was the fact that they thought it was me who had done everything, but more of the fact that they wouldn't do anything to their precious little boy. They would starve me every night that Charlie had been caught, saying the punches were for the action, and no food might mean that I stop blaming it on Charlie. I just learnt to accept it I guess, there was nothing I could do to stop it anyways. It went on like that for years before we were taken here, and for some reason all I wanted to do was go home. I finish my little speech with the little ambition I had, thinking that it was all self-explanatory.

Wanted? You don't want to go home anymore? Lesso softly asks, as if thinking about her words choice carefully. No. I don't want to go home somewhere that I hate somewhere that hates me. Besides, this is a pretty cool place to live, it has magic and stuff, and I'll be here for years before I graduate. I try to lighten the mood with a joke at the end and I think it worked by the laugh Lady Lesso lets out.

I'm sorry you had to go through all that yn. Sounds like a hellish time, and not the good version. Lesso states. I had been to absorbed in what I was saying I hadn't noticed that I was now straddling the dean of evil, my arms around her neck. What's wrong, красивая? Lesso asks, she must've seen the slight confusion in my eyes. I-I don't think I ever told you my name. I say slowly, not knowing where this will leave me. Lady Lesso just laughs as if I've said something funny, or that it should be obvious how she knows my name. If I wanted to, I could know everyone's name. As a dean I have a list of every student at the school милый, and if I want to know someone's name who doesn't come from a magical world then it's not that hard to find out who you are. Lady Lesso explains, and for some reason I feel warmth spread across my cheeks. Lesso just smirk before leaning closer to my ear. I would love to stay and chat with you my darling but I have a school to run and you have to be before anyone notices you're gone. She pulls back just enough to look me in my eyes, but still be extremely close to my face.

Once again, I didn't notice that oursurroundings had changed, and I was in what must be my dorm room, without LadyLesso. And I know I shouldn't, or couldn't, but I felt a wave of sadness washover me knowing she wasn't right next to me. I couldn't let it show though, I wouldmost likely be kicked out if anyone finds out that I spent all afternoon withthe dean of evil, and actually like her presence. So, I just go to what I thinkis my cupboard next to the bed I was just sitting on to find some pajamas beforesliding back into my bed for the night. I wanted to go to sleep but Lady Lessowas taking up my mind, letting it have no rest, so instead I just laide awakeand thought about Lesso before my eyelids became to heavy to keep open and I driftedoff to sleep.

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