chapter 12

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yn pov:

I was about to ask professor Sader why he couldn't tell me, but the princes started to leave the changing rooms and I don't want anybody that doesn't have to about my wish. As the princes walked over one of them called out to professor Sader. Why is a girl here sir? Sexist much anyone? Because professor Dovey said that yn will be apart of our class, and personally I think she will do just fine in this class. Professor Sader said that in such a matter of fact voice that I actually felt welcome for a moment. The boys grumbled but they nodded anyways, a few side looks being thrown at me but I'm going to ignore them. Pick up a sword and stand facing your partner. Yn, you can go with Gregor. I nod and walk over to pick up a sword as a ginger haired boy walks up to me. H-hi yn, I'm Gregor. His voice is kind and I feel like I can almost trust him.

Hi. Ready to go? I try to sound as friendly as possible, I want at least one friend in this class. Gregor nods his head and picks up a sword before we walk a couple of steps and turn to look at each other. Draw! I draw my sword. Stance! I get into the stance all the other princes are standing in. Spar! After that word from professor Sader I step forward and start to spar Gregor. It didn't really last long, he's got a terrible grip. I sent the sword flying from his hand, and landing him on his butt. You're good yn. I smile as I walk up to him and hold out a hand. Thanks. Gregor mumbles a small thank you as he takes my hand and I pull him up.

You only beat him because he's clumsy! You couldn't take anyone else. I don't know who said it but I know it's a challenge, and I'm going to take it. Maybe you just want to believe that so your ego doesn't get hurt. My voice is monotone, and I pray that the prince will just leave it alone because beating Gregor was a fluke. A massive fluke, and it won't happen again. Take on Tedros if you're so strong princess. I sigh and I look at Gregor who's giving me a supportive smile, even professor Sader doesn't seem against the idea so maybe, just maybe, the outcome won't be so bad. Alright, sure. I'll spar with Tedros. I walk over to where the other princes have made a semi circle around one prince who I assume is Tedros. I stand opposite him and I try my hardest to control my nerves, I'm going up against their gold boy.

Draw! I draw my sword with shaky hands and the princes snicker around me. Stance! I get into the stance I took last time, I don't even know if it's correct or not. Spar! Tedros lunges forward and I block his attack, our swords making a loud clang. Tedros continues to constantly attack me while I block over and over, he definitely doesn't have a loose grip. His lunges start to slow down, this is probably my one chance. I lunge forward and hit his sword close to his hand, the shock making him drop the sword and stumble back. Gasps are heard all around me and what just happened starts to sink in. professor Sader starts clapping and Gregor joins in almost instantly, the other princes taking a bit longer before they do as well. Some bulky looking princes come up to me and lift me onto their shoulders, and it takes everything in me to not flinch away or punch them.

They carry me for a minute before professor Sader calms everyone down and the princes lower me onto the floor. Good work today everyone, you all tried very hard. Congratulations yn on your win, you're welcome here for all lessons we have. Now, I want you all to put your sword away and go change back into your clothes. The boys nod and start doing as he said straight away while I decide to get the answer of my question.

Excuse me, professor Sader but I was wondering I could ask you another question. My voice is quiet, I don't want anyone to know about my wish. Of course, what do you need yn? Why is his voice so comforting, like something I can confide in without hesitation. Why can't you tell me why Lesso is my wish? I mean you're a seer, so you do know, don't you? Once again I blurt out my questions, desperately wanting to know the answer. I do know why Lady Lesso is in your dream, yes. However, I can't tell because I'm a seer. Being a seer makes you powerful but it comes with a catch yn, you can't tell people what you see. If I were to tell you why Lady Lesso is the only thing your heart wishes for then I will age ten years as a cost. But do not worry, you will find the answers you're looking for if you know where to look. He says this all with the same comforting tone, like my question didn't bother him at all. I stay silent for a moment before mumbling a thank you and walking over to where the swords are held. I hang my sword there before walking into the changing rooms and changing back into my dress.

I walk out of the changing rooms and walk away from the grounds, heading towards my dorm, as I think about what professor Sader told me. I walk into my dorm and flop onto my bed, mentally tired from everything that's happened in the past 24 hours. Yesterday morning I didn't even think any of this possible, now I'm fighting princes and wishing for deans. My life has been turned upside down and I don't hate it, it's a nice change.

Time skip to dinner because I'm lazy af.

Lady Lesso pov:

I make my way down to the dining hall which just has to be in the good school, I mean why is it anyways? It's too fucking bright in there, and I have to deal with prissy princesses. I walk in and sit down in my seat, eyes flickering to me as I walk in but soon looking away, except for one pair. I hope it's yn's but as I look around the hall I found it's her brother's. Charlie's. I stare back at him and raise an eyebrow, and he looks away instantly once he realises I'm looking back at him. Just as I'm about to talk in his head, Clarissa and my princess walk in talking and laughing. My blood starts to boil and it's taking everything in me to no walk up there and drag my princess away.

I watch the pair as they walk over and get fill a plate with dinner, and I can't help but notice how little yn's taking, before they walk over to a table and yn puts her tray down. Clarissa and yn talk for a minute before Dovey decides to hug my princess and walk over here like she didn't. As soon as Clarissa sits down I take my chance. Getting close to a student, are we? My voice is cold, and Clarissa whips her head around to face me. She's a nice girl Lesso, why can't I show kindness? You know yn took fencing class with the princes today instead of my class. Her voice isn't as harsh as mine but it still holds authority, but I can't help but smirk at Clarissa. Really? And how'd that go? I ask mockingly. I let her Lesso. But I heard it went very well, she beat Tedros in a match. You might have your hands full with her. Clarissa says with her usual cheery voice, and my smirk grows. I doubt she'll be a problem for me Clarissa. I say with a monotone, and thankfully she just hums and turns to Emma.

I take this as y chance to talk to my princess. Hello моя принцесса, how was your day? I see her head rise incredibly fast and look at me. I-it was fine, thanks. I'm not satisfied by this, I want an actual conversation with her. Why did you enter here with Dovey? And why did you hug her милый? I watch her closely and see her look at Clarissa before quickly looking back at me. She came and got me from my room for dinner. And why do you care that she hugged me? it's not like you own me. If I did own her, she wouldn't be hugging Clarissa that's for sure.

Meet me after dinner, same place as last night. If you don't come there will be consequences, remember what school you're attending tomorrow. I was about to leave her mind before she could respond but sadly her thoughts are extremely loud. You said because I'm an ever you couldn't do anything, and we didn't meet up last night. You saw me crying and didn't leave me alone. I am about ready to drag her away right now, but I don't think she wants that kind of attention and since I'm such a nice person I won't do that to her.

authors note:

I'm deciding if I should let Dovey or yn tell Lesso about the wish, and I haven't decided yet. I'm so indecisive it's a problem 😭

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