Chapter 17

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Lesso pov:

I want to tell her, I really do, but I can't. To tell yn what happened would require me knowing in the first place, and for the first time in years, I didn't have a clue what was happening. All I know is that after yn passed out and I couldn't wake her I teleported us to my room and changed her out of her clothes, leaving on her bra and panties obviously, before putting one of my shirts on her. I must admit, it was cute seeing how big my clothes were on her. I placed her in my bed and let her rest, unfortunately, that luxury didn't come so easily to me. I had stayed up all night thinking about yn and how to help her, what I would do if she didn't wake up in the morning, while trying to convince myself that what I saw in her head wasn't true. It couldn't have been true, because that could make me her true love, and yn deserves someone who can give her everything she wants and more.

Though to let anyone close enough to yn to be in a position where they could hurt her goes against my every instinct, I know I can't be the one she ends up with. I mean, an ever and never could never be together unless of course, they do a trail by tale, but I'll never let yn go into those woods. So, the only reasonable thing to do is try to be a friend to yn, even if for some reason my heart is telling me otherwise. I thought about that all night before yn woke up and I saw the confusion and panic make their way onto her face. Now that she asked me what happened I kind of wished that I had found out, but I didn't want to do anything more that could've hurt yn.

I would, truly, but it's time to get up if you don't want to be late for your first day at my school. I say calmly, trying to play it cool and pretending that I know what happened. None of my things are here Lesso, I need to go to my dorm. Yn says quickly as I start to remove my arms from her waist even though I'd prefer to hold her forever. I'm the Dean of the School for Evil, really think I can't magic up some makeup and clothes for you? I say smugly while a smirk makes its way onto my face. Yn's face heats up again, and she looks away in a futile attempt to hide it. I sit up in the bed and that causes yn to sit up as well as she is still half lying on me. Sorry, I'm still getting used to magic. Yn says sadly as if I'm upset at her or something.

I gently place my index and thumb on her chin, and I slowly guide her face to look at me. One more thing, no more Sorry. I say sternly and thankfully she doesn't argue, so I get out of my bed and walk into my walk-in closet. I start to look through my suits, all of which are black when yn walks to the frame of my walk-in. Are you going to at least tell me how I got into these clothes? The sass on this girl, seriously. I changed you, obviously. Your dress looked highly uncomfortable anyway. I say as if it's the most obvious thing in the world, I thought it was at least. Why would you change me?! You could have teleported me back to my dorm for starters, so why the hell did you keep me here? Yn said at me angrily, clearly forgetting I'm the dean of evil, but that somehow made me feel good.

Like yn wasn't scared of me when you'd think she'd be the person who was most scared of me, which is a good thing considering she's the only person I don't want to fear me. I put the current suit I was holding back on the rack and slowly walked over to yn. I would've thought that you'd like the idea of me changing you and letting you sleep here. I say softly as I reach yn and look down at her, gently lifting her head to look at me. W-why would I want that? Yn whispers softly, and I let out a short laugh while I gently push her against the frame. Last night I entered your mind when you wouldn't answer me. Yn looked back at me blankly and so I leaned in close enough for my lips to touch her ear. I saw your wish, princess. My voice is barely a whisper, but by the way yn shivered I know she heard me. Before yn could respond I pressed a gentle kiss right below her ear and backed up to see her bright red face and wide eyes. I smirked down at her and brushed some hair out of her face before going back to look through my suits.

I found one I liked and when I looked over at yn, sure enough, she was still there, still frozen in shock. I laughed softly before taking my suit off the rack, walking to the bathroom door, and hanging my suit on the inside handle. I turned back to look at yn. Your schedule is on the bench next to the bed, and there's a map so you don't get lost. See you in class baby. I say the final bit with a smirk, and I wink at yn before going into the bathroom and shutting the door.

Authors note:

I made the dumb decision of letting my friend have the Word document as well so she can read it whenever she wants, even the unpublished parts. As soon as I wrote this she called me and screamed: "WE'RE FINALLY GETTING SOMEWHERE!" I regret giving her it.

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