Chapter 36

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Yn pov:

The next morning, I go through the same process as yesterday morning, only this time Lesso accompanies me through the halls of Evil with her hand on my lower back, silently but surely warning any and every person who sees us that I'm taken and anyone who forgets that will have her to deal with. When we pass Charlie talking with his friends I falter, I've never seen him look at me with so much hate in all my life, and it honestly hurts a little. Leo notices, and slowly snakes her hand around my waist, now taking the brute of Charlie's glare, but without a second glance at him she gently guides me around the corner and over the bridge, into the school for good.

I'm in Good today, so instead of giving me black clothes (just to annoy Clarissa), Leonora had surprisingly given my pastel blues so, and I quote, I don't look like a total prissy princess incapable of doing anything right. So, after I messed up doing her tie, yes, I made her do it, and she painstakingly slowly taught me how to do it we finally headed out and into the Good's Hall, where we are now. Lesso, reluctantly I might add, took her hand off my waist and kissed my forehead, though I think that's only because not many people are here yet and those who are, are smart enough to not say anything. Come find me afterwards, yeah? She says softly, her voice lifting at the yeah like it's a question when we both know it's not. Still, I answer her. Of course, umm does it hurt a lot?

I ask nervously, my hands fidgeting with the zip-up jacket I took from Lesso this morning. Today, we're getting our fingerglows and I've heard Lesso rave about how she loves watching the Nevers squirm as she sticks a fricken' key into their finger! Not for you, снежинка, Evers don't feel pain and as much as I think that only makes them more sheltered, I'm quite happy for it when it comes to you. Especially considering you've had more pain than all these Evers will have in their entire lives combined. My cheeks flush and I look down, though someone to upset her must've walked in because she takes a step closer, so my mouth brushes against her breasts. Not wanting people to see that I'm forced to raise my head.

Lesso smirks and gives me a quick kiss before walking onto the dais and stands next to Dovey as the rest of the students file through the two doors. Still blushing like an idiot, I sit down on the good side of the bleachers, slyly watching Agatha and Tedros talk. God they are so cute, how could she every think that he's Sophie's true love? Where is Sophie, anyways. SHUT UP! I instinctively flinch at the shout, but as my head whips towards the dais, Agatha and Tedros quickly sitting next to me, and I realise that it came from Lesso I take a deep breath to calm myself.

Everyone, find your seats. Let's begin. Lesso says smoothly as if she didn't just make everyone in this hall shit their pants. Mm. To access one's magic, one must first unlock one's finger glow. Dovey says cheerfully as she throws this side-eye at Lesso. Once you've mastered your finger glow, it will prove to be invaluable. Shall we? Leonora says in her usual dean voice as both pull out their keys in sync with no mistakes, that had to have been practiced. Have no fear, Evers. Good feels no pain. I swear to God she was talking directly to me when she said that, if Leo told her anything I'm going to be so mad. Nevers... Lesso starts to say before she lets out this demonic ass giggle's going to hurt. Line up! With a big swish of her cane, because Lesso is incapable of not being dramatic with that thing.

The first person to get a key stabbed through their finger is Beatrix, then Heaster who basically moaned in pain fuck masochist. Your finger glow helps you become aware of the power inside of you. Dovey explains as she does a random Evergirl's finger glow and Lesso does Hort's. When your finger glows, it means you've begun to tap into emotions powerful enough to cast a spell. Lesso continues as I move closer to the front of the line, behind Agatha who hesitantly holds up her finger for Dovey's key. The stronger your feelings...the stronger your magic. Dovey says as if that isn't obvious from their previous statements. Agatha brings her finger to her face and looks at it for a moment. Like bro, can't you move off to the side so those about to have a panic attack can hurry up and do this before moving to their girlfriend's side?!

Suddenly, because the extra delay will really help, Sophie walks through the curtains at the back of the hall and just skips the line like the bitch she is. I'm sorry, that was rude, she's one of my only two friends. Though, for the record, I do prefer Agatha. Sophie walks straight up to Lesso and holds her finger in a pretentious way, and I'd look at Agatha at how she's taking this, but my eyes are glued to the distrusting expression on Leo's face. What's this all about? Lesso asks in that voice of hers (you know what I'm talking about), her hand gesturing to the extremely revealing dress that Sophie's wearing.

This? Turns out you did me a favour. I was long overdue for a makeover. Sophie says casually as she touches her new bob, it does suit her I guess, but considering the panicked look that Agatha and Dovey share I doubt they agree. Now, if you wouldn't mind activating my powers, I'd be most grateful. Sophie holds up her finger and raises her eyebrow at the Dean of Evil, I'm surprised Lesso can take that much attitude from anyone. Dovey gasps, like yeah, this is happening, get with it. Still, Lesso inhales slowly as she carefully stabs her key through Sophie's finger, without reacting! Sophie smirks as she holds up her finger like getting it is enough to win her Happily Ever After.

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