Chapter 21

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Charlie pov:

Of course yn doesn't even know why being ugly is powerful, you'd expect that from a slow-brained bitch like her. So, I raised my hand and smirked internally when Professor Manley nodded at me. Villains need to be ugly because being ugly lets you focus not on being pretty, but on being powerful instead. Not thinking about how you look lets you focus on how powerful you are, thus making you into a more powerful villain. Seriously, first she shows up at this school and she doesn't even know the first thing about being a villain.

I watch as yn turns around and looks me dead in the eye as she opens her mouth to speak. So you're saying Lady Lesso isn't powerful? Shit. I did sort of say that, but I can't admit it, of course I cant. Shit. Shit. Shit. Well, no, her beauty must just come naturally, I bet she doesn't even need to do anything to look like that. I explain quickly, trying desperately to keep the edge I had before but I know that I've already lost it. Did you just say that you think Lady Lesso is beautiful?

The heck did she just say? She's the one who spends every free minute with my dean and yet she's accusing me of having a crush?! While it may be true it's so out of line right now! Before I can answer someone from the other side of the classroom yells out: Charlie's in love with Lady Lesso! Urrrghhh. This is why I hate yn, she fucks everything up from the slightest touch and doesn't get any sort of punishment for it.

Yn pov:

Now I sort of feel bad, I didn't mean to accuse Charlie of loving Lesso especially when it's hypocritical considering my feelings. God, Charlie's never going to forgive me for this, not that I really care or anything of course.

Before I can do anything or even register what's happening Charlie is getting up from his chair and walking straight over to me. SMACK! My hand instinctively comes up to my face where his fist hits as I look up at him from my seat with shocked eyes. I understand that I just created a bad rumour, but he doesn't have to hit me for it. You're just as weak as you ever were back home! You still can't do anything right, let alone stand up for yourself! Charlie screamed at me when I didn't get up.

But this pushes me over the edge. I've always tried to believe that he was a good guy deep down and that it was just the favouritism that made him insufferable, but now even I can't believe that anymore. I stand up from my chair and punch Charlie back, finally letting myself lash out at him. Charlie takes a second to regain his balance and composure as if my hit was a surprise, which it probably was, but the anger returns to his eyes when he wipes the small drip of blood from his nose with the back of his hand. The punch I receive in my stomach winds me for a moment before I kick Charlie in the crotch, which gives me a moment to catch my breath before he jumps on me and starts to pull my hair.

I don't know why the teacher isn't stopping this, but my classmates have made a circle around us shouting: FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! I scratch Charlie down the sides of his face, making him scream and let go of my hair before twisting my left arm in such a swift motion that I hear a slight crack. I don't make any noise of pain, but my arm is starting to go numb so I bend his right pinkie back as hard and as fast as I can. Before either of us can do the other any more harm magic forces us away from each other and into a standing position.


Lady Lesso stands in the doorway of the classroom, with Manley close behind her, glaring at me and my brother. I know it's bad to fight and all, but come on, I'm in the school for evil and you'd think that's the one place you'd get away with it. Lady Lesso doesn't speak but she motions us to follow her before stopping her magic and walking out of the classroom. I reluctantly start to follow her with Charlie close behind me. We walk through the corridors of the school until we reach a door that has Lesso's name engraved on it and her role at the school engraved below that.

Great, just great, I wanted to go to her office today to surprise her and get to spend some time in her company for a good reason, not because I got into a fight in first period. The doors magically open and Lesso quickly makes her way through the office and sit down in her chair, gesturing for Charlie and I to sit in the chairs opposite her. Charlie sits down first in a chair that is in noticeably better shape, but it doesn't bother me to get things that aren't as good as Charlie's. It's been happening my whole life.

Lady Lesso pov:

You first Charlie, what happened? If he says yn started I might strangle him. I mean, look at the poor girl she has scars and bruises already on her arms and legs and now she has blood dripping from her elbow and a bloody lip. Yn started it, ma'am, I swear. She started I rumour about me and the whole class was laughing so I got up and slapped her. Yn's such a pussy that I didn't think she'd do anything about it but when she did, I couldn't let it go. If yn was a pussy I wouldn't have been interested in her, points toward strangling. It's the way he said it too, like I had to agree that yn was nothing special when she's the exact opposite to me.

Your turn yn, what happened? I look over my princess blankly, trying to ignore that the last time I saw her was when I kiss her. God, that feels like ages ago. I asked Professor Manley why villains had to be ugly, and he picked Charlie to answer. Charlie said that it was because if a villain is ugly, they can be powerful, so I simply asked him if he thinks that you're not powerful. He then started stammering about how your beauty came naturally etc. etc. and some kid called out that he had a crush on you. So really, I didn't do anything except defend myself when my brother came and attacked me for a different student's remark.

I smirk internally and looked into yn's eyes for a moment before taking a breath in to control myself. Well then, I think that settles it. Charlie, you will have detention for two weeks, you can go now. I say blankly, not bothering to look over at the boy. What about yn's punishment? Why do I have to go now? Charlie says and I hear the anger behind his words, making it even harder to control myself. Because I said so, and because I need to talk to your sister privately. Go on, you've got twenty minutes left of uglification anyways.

The look of anger that passes over Charlie's face doesn't go unnoticed, so I look him dead in the eye, challenging him to say anything more. Of course, however, he is related to his sister, and he lets his stubbornness get in the way as much as she does. You're just being biased! You spend all night with this bitch and now you won't punish her?! I'm willing to bet she let you fuck her as a get out of jail free card- I don't let him finish, saying those things to me is one thing, but in front of yn is another. I'm up and holding Charlie against the wall within seconds, my hands holding him up by his collar. It only takes a second and a small scream of surprise from yn before she's up and running to my side holding one of my arms and trying to talk to me.

I don't hear her, all I see is red at Charlie's accusation and his scared face in front of mine, exactly what I wanted from him. Stop! Lesso please! Stop it! Let him go! Put him down! Please, Lesso! Yn. She's going to fear me, hate me, despise me after this but it's already too late for me to stop so I don't let go and I just glare into Charlie's scared, wide eyes. Tears fall from Charlie's eyes, but I don't care, I just grip him tighter and do my best to ignore yn. You ever speak like that about yn again and I'll have you fed to the stymphs; you hear me? Ever touch her again and you'll be fed, ever say anything about yn again and you turn into stymph lunch. Is that understood?!

Yn's tears. That's what snap me out of my anger. Her pain. I quickly let go of Charlie and he's out of the door within seconds, although I barely register it through my regret. The door slams behind Charlie and yn quickly takes a few steps back at the sound, out of my reach. Why didn't you just let him go...? Why did I let him go? Because he just said my deepest wish.

Author's note:

I tried to write this one as fast and well as possible although I don't know how good it is. Is the book going to slow or at a good pace because I don't know anymore.


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