Chapter 6:

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Lady Lesso pov:

I told yn about teleporting, she really does know nothing about magic, waiting for her response. Alright. Yn says quietly, and I know that's the only response I'm going to get. I turn and pick yn up, and I see her face instantly blush at my actions, clearly not realising that we're in my office already. You can jump down now darling. Or you can stay clinging to me, your choice. I say, my tone joking but partly serious, kind of hoping she'll stay in my arms. Yn doesn't answer, she only looks at me with her beautiful eyes, and I'm not going to take it as a sign to put her down, so instead I walk over to my chair at sit down. Now. Tell me what's gotten you so rattled from talking to your twin. I tell yn, not like a question but also not like a direct order. Yn starts to explain how Charlie would act at her home before stopping, giving me a chance to respond to which I just hum for her to continue.

After a while more of explaining yn then says, before it all began. And I only grew more interested in the girl's story, I don't know why I was interested at all, but I do know that I have a soft spot for the princess in my arms. Before what started моя принцесса?? I ask quietly, not wanting to freak her out, using Russian to call her mine, knowing if I said it in English she would've. Abuse. Yn said so softly that I almost missed it, but I didn't have time to respond before she continued speaking.

Yn talked until she couldn't, tears covering her face and her breath fast and shallow, and I knew I had to say something or else she would have a full-on melt-down. No need to cry котенок, they're not here. They can't hurt you now. I comfort yn, wiping the tears from her face with my thumbs, resting my hands on her waist as she was pretty much straddling me. I listened very carefully to what yn was saying, wanting to fully understand her, but her last sentence shocked me a little. Wanted? You don't want to go home anymore? I ask carefully, trying to use the right words, comforting people is new for me.

No. I don't want to go home somewhere that I hate somewhere that hates me. Besides, this is a pretty cool place to live, it has magic and stuff, and I'll be here for years before I graduate. Yn jokes, and I know she's trying to lighten the mood quiet forcefully, and I can't help but laugh at it. I'm sorry you had to go through all that yn. Sounds like a hellish time, and not the good version. I tell her, noticing how she's now fully straddling me and still has her arms around my neck, if anyone came in right now it would look so much worse then it actually is. Yn face, however, tells me somethings bothering her so I simply ask her what that is. What's wrong, красивая? Again, I use Russian to try and calm my princess down. I-I don't think I ever told you my name. yn slowly says and considering what she just said she's probably thinking I'm going to do something bad to her. If I wanted to, I could know everyone's name. As a dean I have a list of every student at the school милый, and if I want to know someone's name who doesn't come from a magical world then it's not that hard to find out who you are. I explain to her, hoping to get that scared look off of my princess' face. Thankfully it works, a blush replacing it and I can't help but smirk knowing I'm the cause of her nervousness.

I don't want to take her back to the school of good, a part of me is saying to keep her here with me forever but I can't do that. And she probably doesn't even think of me other than the dean who saw her crying and helped talk her though it, however-no! She doesn't like you like that Leonora! And it's highly unprofessional anyways. I'll just flirt a little with her a little. I lent in so close to her that I was right next to her earlobe before whispering; I would love to stay and chat with you my darling but I have a school to run and you have to be back before anyone notices you're gone. And so I teleport yn to her dorm room, before teleporting to my bedroom. I wouldn't be able to concentrate enough on work now anyways, the only thing I'm going to think about for the rest of the night is yn. So, instead I grab a glass of whiskey and sit down on the chair in my room, fully processing what yn has told me and how to deal with it. Fuck! I've got a soft spot for a princess. I mutter under my breath.

3rd person pov:

Unknown to the dean of evil, another ever had made her way into the school for evil and left with a never. Together, Agatha and Sophie followed in the good school masters steps, successfully making it into his tower. Once finding him, they were asked a simple question, if you know your fairy tales. What is one thing that evil can never have, and good can never do without? The school master asked the girls, the never student instantly answering with shallow answer such as good hair or good manners. However, the you ever spoke the real answer, true love. And so, the school master sent the two girls back to their respected room with a new mission, Sophie to kiss her true love. Tomorrow holds much instore for the four people in this fairy tale, but whether or not they're ready for it is another question. They will all need to understand something and have a plan put together soon because it's about to get a lot harder for them all. Trouble has already started, but will it be stopped before lives are lost?

Au note:

Sorry for it being short, I wrote it in a rush. School's starting again so I won't be able to publish everyday but updates will still happen on most days. Thank you so much for reading my story, it means a lot to me.

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