Chapter 29

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Yn pov:

My father stalks toward me, an ugly smirk dancing across his face as he closes my bedroom door behind him. I know this memory, mother and Charlie are out somewhere, I was never told, it was only father and I at home and I know better than to scream anyway. I look at my alarm clock, like every other time I dream of this, it's 9:37pm and by the time I look back at his approaching figure he's already climbing under the covers over my paralysed body. His hands remove my days of the week underwear from my body, pushing up my dirty nightgown all the way up to my neck. He shoves some of the excess down my throat causing me to gag, I can't breathe through it.

His hands are everywhere, his lips are everywhere, he is fucking everywhere. It takes 5 minutes, 300 seconds, and after he leaves, I just stay laying in that damn spot, staring at the ceiling I had once whished would open for me to look at the stars, praying that when I wake up there won't be blood on the sheets and this would have all been a dream. A dream. How could I have ever been naïve enough to believe that it would've been a dream. Or that it would've been a onetime thing.

It just repeats again, he's walking back into my room with his terrifying smirk, the door's closing. I'm shaking- Wait? I'm shaking? I hadn't been shaking yet. A muffled noise gets louder each time I hear it, it almost sounds like Lesso- Lesso. Малыш please, please wake up. Oh God she sounds like she's crying, is she crying? Is the Dean of Evil crying over me? Maybe I should wake up then, if not for her than to end this eternal nightmare.

Lesso pov:

I watch, holding my breath, as her eyelids flutter open and close a couple of times before staying open, her blue eyes frantically searching mine. Hey, hey, you're okay, I've got you. You're okay Yn, you're okay. I don't know if I'm repeating it for sake or mine, but it's working, both of us are calming down. Her eyes aren't darting to each of my eyes anymore but staying still, and her breathing is regulating once more. Thank God. W-what happened Lesso? Of course, won't do me the favour and tell me that she is actually okay. You used your magic for the first time, милый, and you drained yourself too much. Just, promise me the next couple of times you use it without a finger glow you'll do it with me around.

She won't be leaving this room if she doesn't promise me, I won't have her pass out at random places and times in this hell hole of a school. Especially with Charlie in her classes every second day. I promise. Her voice is so soft, like she wasn't just passed out for ten minutes. But her eyes, she looks like she's in pain. What's wrong, моя принцесса? I ask quietly as I brush some looks hair out of her face, my hand staying on the side of her face. Nothing, why would something be wrong? We seriously need to work on our communication, I'll start that tonight when she doesn't have to go off to class in thirty minutes. No reason. I murmur before magicking another chair next to the one Yn is sitting on and move to sit on that one.

Do you want to go to the cafeteria or eat here? I ask quietly as I massage my temples slowly, the stress from slowly dissipating. Do I have to eat? I'm going to kill her parents. Yes, so do me a favour and pick. I say quietly as I lean back in the chair to look down at my princess. Here, then. But not a lot, please. Who taught her puppy dog eyes? Seriously, no one taught her how to eat but instead taught her puppy eyes. Fine, but only because you're cute. I magically push both our chairs against closer to the desk and I make an average size piece of quiche appear in front of her. Her smile falters and she hesitates for a moment before slowly picking up the fork. I kiss her head. You don't have to eat it all, котенок.

Yn nods and slowlytakes a bite, and it almost hurts me how much it clearly hurts her to swallow themouthful. I watch her eat it slowly, it takes her nearly the entire lunch toeat half of it, but at least she ate something. Happy now? Her voice isfull of sarcasm again as she pushes away the plate and turns her head to lookup at me. I roll my eyes and smile, a laugh falling from my lips. Iam, thank you. I say softly and my eyes flicker down to her lips before goingback up to her eyes. She does the same about a second after me. At least I knowshe's still thinking about that kiss as well. 

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