Chapter 37

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Yn pov:

It's been a week since I got my finger glow and Lesso has been helping and teaching me extra spells after class every day. Other than being completely Evil and terrifying, I can see why she's the Dean of this school. She's a magnificent teacher. Thanks to her I can do an advanced weather spell, mogrify into any animal, and cheat successfully in all my pop quizzes. Seriously, no wonder everyone is caught when they try to cheat in her class, she's taught me so many methods and there's still like twenty to go, I think. It's mindboggling, honestly. Still, I've been sitting with Agatha every day during lunch while she glares sadly at Sophie and her new friends, which unfortunately involves Charlie.

I didn't think she would do anything, that is, until yesterday when she went over to them. Basically, she convinced Sophie to do more then look hot to get Tedros' attention by shooting an arrow or something. I don't really know how it happened, but what I do know is that all of lunch today Sophie has been basically jumping in Tedros' lap. It's kind of gross, but it's not my place to judge my relationship, especially when Sophie and Agatha have been nothing of supportive of Lesso and I. Oh, right, I told them about us about two days ago during surviving fairy tales and they took it surprisingly well. At least they're happy, but we need that kiss to go home. Agatha whines for about the 50th time, but I don't mind that much. Do you think that when you go home, Charlie and I will go home as well? I ask quietly, it's the first time I've voiced the thought. I'd either die by my parent's hand or my own if I got taken home after finding happiness, after finding Lesso.

What? No of course not, you'll be allowed to stay with her. She wouldn't let you go anyways. But if you did go, Lesso would claw through her way through the magical barrier just to get to you. Aggie says in a comforting manner, her hand going to my shoulder as she tears her eyes from her best friend for the first time this meal. She has a point though, Lesso would let me go as much as I'd want to go. Y-yeah, you're right, sorry. I mumble, my eyes moving from Agatha to Lesso on the teacher's table and like most times I look, she's already looking at me. And like every time, Lesso winks and smiles at me before going back to whatever conversation is going on. And in case you haven't guessed, much to Lesso's dismay, I still say sorry for everything. I guess old habits die hard.

Agatha shrugs, and I mirror it, both of our attentions now turned to Beatrix storming over to Tedros and Sophie, looking outraged for something that has been said. What? No. You are not taking that underdressed she-wolf instead of me. Beatrix fumes, and Sophie looks down at herself as if suddenly self-conscious. Hester and her group have walked over to the edge of the long table in the middle of the dinning table. One of you, do something. Beatrix commands to her minions, but they're princesses and neither know what to do so they both just look at each other. Chinen, one of Beatrix's minions, just hums like that's going to do anything which makes Dot laugh right behind Hester until Hester quietens her, not taking her eyes of the situation.

Beatrix starts to take those last few steps close towards Sophie until Hester stops her and all hell breaks loose about five seconds after. Why? Because Hester just has to talk. Going somewhere? She asks mockingly which elicits a grunt from Beatrix before Hester does what villains do and shoves Beatrix backwards. Beatrix responds with what has the be one of the responses you've ever heard. Down your throat! She screams before shoving Hester back. Agatha and I get up in time with Sophie and Tedros, but considering the fight is starting right next to their table they enter straight into the fight while Aggie and I are still walking, basically running, towards it. Come on! Hester urges as students from both sides surge into a massive fight just as Aggie and I reach them. Great. It's not even a proper fight, it's just a bunch of wild arms and loose bodies banging into one another.

While Agatha uselessly at the mob, trying to get them to stop, my head whips around to find the wolves or fairies who should already be doing something about this. I find zero fairies, but the wolves who are here are doing absolutely nothing to help by laughing at the scene. Laughing! I'm right next to the mob with Aggie, though I can barely make out what she's saying through the indistinctive shouts of everyone currently in the fight and the few spectators around the hall. Stop it! Dovey yells, and it's such a shock to everyone that we all gasp and look at Lesso and her who are rightfully fuming at what must look like toddlers fighting. And this bunch of hormonal teenagers is going to be the next generation to lead the fairytale world. I'd be worried if I was them. Lesso is squinting at us as if deciding whether to send both schools down to the doom room or just kill everyone now and start fresh with a new lot of kids.

Still, Dovey points to Aggie, Sophie, Tedros, Charlie and myself to come with them into a faculty meeting. Great, we're in total shit now. Lesso walks behind everyone with me, her hand gently holding mine as we turn corridor after corridor. Are you hurt? Leo's voice rings in my head and our shoulder's brush as we walk. No, I'm fine Lesso. I don't think anyone is dumb enough to hurt me knowing that you've made it abundantly clear I'm yours. I retort as we turn down a final corridor and see the entire school's faculty heading into a room. Lesso huffs and moves her hand to my waist and pulls me close next to her. I'd say don't leave my side, but I don't think either of us gets a say in what's about to happen. Lesso mumbles into the side of my face before kissing my head. The thing stopping me from making a sarcastic remark is the fear in her voice and the fact that if the Dean can't have an opinion, I don't think I want any part of it.

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