Chapter 20

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Lady Lesso pov:

I exited the bathroom once I was dressed and I couldn't help but feel a tiny bit of regret about letting yn go to class alone, and without making her eat anything although I doubt, she would've wanted to eat something anyway. I used my magic to clean my clothes that yn and I were wearing before walking back into my bedroom where a small piece of paper caught my eye. It read "Have a nice day, thanks for the clothes. Xo yn." and I felt small butterflies that I felt in my stomach, as much as I didn't want to.

I grabbed my cloak and cane before walking downstairs for the start of the day and heading towards my office. I opened my door and sighed, seeing Clarissa Dovey seated across from my desk, looking around my office with what looked like disapproval and worry on her face. Lesso where have you been?! A dean is meant to be in their office 30 minutes before breakfast! Dovey says angrily in a tone that is half yell half talk and I sigh annoyed. I was busy doing something, Clarissa. And I'm dean of the School for Evil, my job basically allows me to break whatever rules I want. I say before walking over to my side of the desk and sitting down, crossing my legs on top of the desk.

Don't wave you being dean over my head, I am a dean as well! And I have something important you should care about to discuss. Dovey speaks with nearly as much anger as I've ever heard from her. I breathe out heavily through my nose and close my eyes for a second, the image of yn in my shirt coming to my mind before I open my eyes and look over at Clarissa.

What is it? Class starts in a minute. I say frustratedly. I can't find yn anywhere in my castle, and I know that you don't care but she's your student as much as she is mine and she's meant to be going here today. Does everybody think that I don't care about my princess? It doesn't really matter though, I know where yn is, so I don't have to worry about her whereabouts. I really only have to worry about her safety which is something that I can't be sure of as long as she's out of my sight in this castle. Yn is fine, she stayed with me last night. She's already gone to class; you don't have to worry about her. As much as I tried to calm the overly worrying fairy godmother, I only made it worse.

She stayed with you! Are you crazy Lesso?! Yn is a student from our schools, and you seriously think that it's okay for her to stay with you overnight! You cannot be so naïve to think it will be allowed by the headmaster for that relationship between you and yn! I take my legs off my desk, and I lean forward in my chair, suddenly caring about what Clarissa is saying. I don't know what you think is going on between me and the princess, but it is nothing of any importance to you or the headmaster. You should think twice before berating me in my office, Clarissa, go back to your far too bright castle and leave me to my business. I say with anger and threat in my voice, my eyes not leaving Clarissa's.

After a moment of silence Clarissa huffs and walks to the door. Next time, Clarissa, you should think twice before prying into my life, it won't always end well for you. Dovey freezes at the door before leaving, and I release a breath I didn't know I was holding. Would everyone disapprove me being in a relationship with yn? Would we have to do a trail by tale? Would yn even want to be with me, or am I just imagining everything?

I hope not, because I'm nowhere near ready to give up my princess, my girl, and I really hope she's not ready to lose what we have either. Whatever we have, that is. Before my thoughts can spiral anymore the bell goes signalling five minutes to class and I start to grab my things for my next lesson. I leave my office with a sigh and move through the hallways to my lesson, students and a few teachers moving out of my way. I walk into my classroom and look over the already seated students with dismay, as I try, and fail, to push thoughts of my princess away.

Yn pov:

I sat down in class at the front, hoping that it will give me some safety from my brother and his friends whose eye I can feel boring into my brain. Sofie enters and looks at me shocked for a moment before walking and sitting behind me. What are you doing here, yn? Why aren't you at the School for Good learning how to be a princess? I hear Sofie whisper from behind me and I turn to face her in my seat. I don't know, I'm half ever or never or something, I have to attend both schools swapping each day. It's kinda dumb. I explain without mentioning talking to the headmaster or participating in classes with the princes. It's cool and super lucky, that's what it is. I wish I could take classes at that school with you and Aggie, but instead I'm stuck in this horrendous outfit with these horrendous villains! Yeah, first world problems but whatever.

Before I can respond to Sofie someone who must be our teacher walks in and sits down at the desk. He has a wart on his face that looks disgusting, his hair is a mess and I'm pretty sure that I saw missing teeth. What am I doing? One day at the School for Good and I'm already judging people on their looks, not like I saw enough people to do that at home though anyways. Today class, we are going to be brewing more powerful ugly potion, one that can turn you truly ugly. This guy probably went over it yesterday, so I think it's fair for me to ask why we need to be ugly. I raise my hand slowly, and I gulp when the teacher looks at me. Yes, princess?

I shiver slightly at the nickname, but whether it's because I don't like it coming from him or the look he's giving, I don't know. Why do we have to be ugly? What you look like on the outside has nothing to do with your power on the inside, it would stay the same no matter how you look. From the look in this guy's eyes, I doubt that was the right thing to say. Does anyone care to tell the young ever here why we nevers need to be ugly to be powerful? Seriously, why does my simple question provoke a whole class discussion? Probably because they went over it yesterday and it would be a good way for someone to get points in class or something, if this school even does that. I see the professor nodding at someone at the back of the room, and next thing I know my obnoxious twin was speaking.

Author's note:

There's nothing I can say about this taking so long to be written and updated except that I'm sorry. I'll try my best to update as often as I possibly can, and hopefully that will be on a somewhat normal schedule. Thanks for following this story so far, it means a lot and if you have any feedback or suggestions I would love to hear it. 

Thanks again xx

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