Chapter 22

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yn pov:

I don't want to be afraid, not of her, but within a second, she went from talking to attacking and all memories of my life at home came rushing back. The time I got surgery because my mother cut a little too deep into my shoulder, the time I was the one thrown into a wall at my father's rage, and the time I barely ate for a week because I talked back. It's all there, flashing through my eyes, and I'm scared that Lesso will be the next one to hurt me even if I don't want to be. The steps backwards that I took clearly didn't show what I'm feeling because Lesso is right in front of me now her hands holding my frozen wrists.

Hey, look at me. Yn, it's me, I'm not going to hurt you, I promise. I want to believe her, Lesso is probably the only one I would ever believe, but all I know is broken promises and being hurt. Please? At least sit down, please, you're scaring me, моя принцесса. Lesso's voice is desperate, as if she needs me to sit down. So, as to help calm her I nod slowly and let her guide me over to her chair by her desk. I've got to say, it's way comfier than the chair I sat in before.

Lesso kneels in front of me, her hands gently massaging my knees to help me stay in the moment. I want to repeat myself; she didn't answer me when I asked her, but that would require talking and I don't trust my voice to do that right now. I'm sorry I did that малыш, but he had no right to say those things and I didn't want to make you uncomfortable. That doesn't mean violence. Nothing ever really has to mean violence if people learnt to use their words. What do I do if Lesso can't, or won't, learn?

Lesso pov:

God, I've fucked it up alright. She's just staring at my hands on her knees and won't say anything no matter how much I want her to. I meant what I said, I did want Charlie to stop so that he wouldn't make her uncomfortable but obviously I didn't want anything else said as well. Why don't I ever think before I act? Why couldn't I for once care about someone other than myself? Why is she the one I care for? Why? Why? Why? Questions of regret, self-doubt, and anger at myself is all I think about until yn soft, hoarse voice cuts through my thoughts.

I'm sorry. Her voice is so quiet I almost missed it, but when my eyes lock onto hers, I knew I heard her right. What for? Yn, what are you sorry for? I don't break yn's eye contact, using a look that I hope shows something that she needs right now. For fighting back...if I hadn't fought back, you wouldn't have been bothered... She better be joking or I'm going to go and finish Charlie off the next time she sleeps. You don't ever need to apologise to me for fighting back, especially to your brother. I'm the one who should be sorry for lashing out, and for doing it in front of you. Come on, if you stay here with me you don't have to go henchmen training next period. That's a good deal, right? Staying with me to get out of class, though only if she doesn't hate me yet I guess.

Yn nods and I smile slightly before slowly, gently picking her up, sitting down in the chair, and placing her on my lap. One of my arms wraps instinctively around her waist within seconds of yn getting comfortable, her hand resting on mine. You can go whenever you want, моя принцесса, but I teach you after this period so we must both show to that period. I say softly in her ear, my lips barely grazing her earlobe. What language are you speaking? You only speak a maximum of like two words, and I want to know what they are.

I nod and smile slightly as I look down at Yn's face that she's moved to look up at me. If I just leaned down less than an inch we'd be kissing, but I remove that thought from my mind as quickly as possible. Russian. I learnt it as a little girl, and I've been calling you pet names. I do hope you don't mind because it comes so naturally it would be a conscious decision to not call you mine. If she doesn't run now maybe, just maybe, I have a chance with her beyond teacher and student.

Dovey pov:

I heard about the fight; it wasn't hard with Sofie attaching notes to birds and flying them to Agatha. Although, unlike her friend, Agatha has the good sense to come and tell her dean even though I doubt Lesso hasn't started to deal with the situation already. But, as annoying as it is, yn is my student too which is why I'm making my way through the school for Evil heading straight towards my colleague's office.

As I walked the halls, I passed a boy who was running in the opposite direction of Lesso's office and he looked an uncanny amount like yn so if I had to guess I'd say that's Charlie, yn's brother. He, however, doesn't piece together anything about me or why I'm here which is probably why he's so careless about running into me before continuing to run, without even an apology. Honestly, how does Lesso run this place if she doesn't even install simple manners such as sorry and I'm willing to guess thank you as well?

When I finally reach Lesso's office I'm a little out of breath, so I wait at the door for a moment before knocking loudly on her office door. It takes a moment, around 20 moments, before the doors open to let me in. I slowly walk in, giving Lesso a questioning look before I look over at yn who is concernedly injured. Yn, why haven't you gone to the infirmary yet? You're bleeding and that arm is most definitely broken. I ask when I get a good look at the poor girl. She was talking to me; I was getting to the bottom of the situation. And she's my student Dovey, don't try to act like she's yours.

Oh, how Lesso annoys me, she truly compares to no one else. She's both of our students and she's hurt so I suggest you let the poor girl go get help. I say while I sit down in a chair across from Lesso that is in terrible condition. Lesso sighs and yn looks at me confused, so I nod to the door and after a moment of hesitation or thought, I can't tell, the girl has up left the office. She comes into your office like that and all you do is talk to her? Seriously Lesso, I expected a bit more responsibility even from you.

Even from me?! What's that supposed to mean Dovey, huh? If the girl said she was in pain I would've walked her down there myself, but she didn't look it, so I pushed that to further down my priority list. I had other worries than that, so stop worrying. STOP WORRYING?! I take a deep breath in and release it slowly. If only I wasn't the dean of the School of Good. Lesso, that girl has a broken arm and a bloody face, you can't seriously be telling me you didn't worry about her physical wellbeing. I say as I try to get comfortable on the chair, this is exactly why I always stand in her office. Of course, I worried! I worry a lot about that girl, and I don't appreciate you just dismissing her from my office like that. She has more going on with her that's just physical, and that took the more pressing matter role so next time, why don't you learn all the facts before you come in here and start questioning my responsibility.

Okay, now I feel a little bad. I did do that, but I didn't mean to, and the added vulnerability and actual care that was in Lesso's voice made me feel a little bit guilty. Why do you worry about her? She's just another student to come to this school in the time you've been here. Yet for some reason, somehow, she's managed to claw her way past your walls... I don't even know what I'm saying, I don't know where this is going, but I know that for some miraculous second Lesso looks about ready to tell me the truth. She's just a peculiar student, Dovey, I don't care about her. And she didn't claw past my walls. I think you should leave; don't you have fairies to talk to and flowers to pick? The sarcasm used by her was not necessary, but it was better than her getting pissed off. So, I get up and walk over to the door silently before turning around and looking at Lesso, ready to say one last thing.

You might not like the girl Lesso, or care forher in any way, but the way yn looks at you tells me that you mean more to herthan just a teacher. Be careful Lesso, I do hope you know the rules. Then I leave, I don't let her respond or doanything before I shut the door behind me.

Author's note:

Is anyone else proud of me for updating this three updates in a row with good consistency? 

My friend read this and now won't let it go, like god, she should be grateful it's a teacher whose not real instead of my actual one. I mean, of course, my teacher is pretty and kind but compared to Lady Lesso...

Ella xx

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