Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

    Jiang Guyu has the habit of feeding cats, and every afternoon during physical training, he will play with the cats raised in the school for a while.

    The cat may also remember her. Most of the time when she comes to the playground, she can always see those elusive cats squatting in a corner waiting for her, and leave quietly after she finishes feeding.

    It's not like she can feed the cats every day, maybe those cats have their own fixed food sources, such as the mice in the school, so coming to Jiang Guyu's place to eat can only be called 'eating out occasionally'.     It's another weekend, and it's time for Jiang Guyu to go to the hospital for regular injections of pheromone inhibitors this week. He will leave in the morning, and he probably will spend the whole afternoon queuing up, and he doesn't have time to see the cat.     This kind of pheromone inhibitor is a drug controlled by the state. Only regular hospitals can make an appointment for injection in advance. After showing your past susceptibility period and estrus certificate, you need to go to the hospital in advance to do a pheromone concentration test. All indicators Only after passing the test can the specific date of injection be set.     Since the susceptibility period and the estrus period are both once a year, it only needs to be so troublesome once a year, which is a blessing in misfortune.     Jiang Guyu is a little envious. Adults can also choose not to inject inhibitors, so as to avoid such cumbersome steps and pain after injecting inhibitors. They can even ask for leave from the company openly because of the susceptibility period and estrus period!     Tears of envy from the students flowed out.     It was already evening when it was her turn and she finished the injection. Because of the anesthetics applied to the glands, there wasn't much pain, but the numbness and the occasional sharp stinging pain after the anesthetics gradually wore off made Jiang Guyu very uncomfortable.     The house leak coincided with the continuous night rain. As soon as Jiang Guyu walked to the first floor of the hospital, he found that it was pouring rain outside in a short period of time.     Even though she had checked the weather forecast before going out and had already brought an umbrella, it still made people extremely annoyed when it really rained.     There is rain in her name, but she doesn't like rain herself.

    In such weather, she would prefer to stay in the classroom or dormitory. She hates the complicated sound of rain, the sound of the car's engine, the sound of splashing water from the wheels, the wet clothes and the wet mud on the shoes.

    There are many things she likes, but very few things she dislikes, but once she dislikes them, the corners of her mouth will twitch.

    Jiang Guyu pressed his painful knee, sighed, opened the umbrella and left the hospital.

    After finally returning to school, Jiang Guyu's dull mood finally turned around. She was anxious to go back to the dormitory to escape the rain, but hesitated when she passed the playground.

    Where are the cats going to hide in such a heavy rain?

    The drainage measures of the playground in their school are very poor, and it is easy to accumulate water in the rainy season. Few people are willing to go to the playground after the rain. Even the physical education teacher will simply give up the class to other teachers during the rainy season. .

    Jiang Guyu knew that those cats usually gathered in the grass under a certain tree on the edge of the playground. Although there was a small slope there, it would not be flooded, but the tree was still not enough for such a downpour. to keep out the rain.     Cats get sick when exposed to rain, right? She can take a hot bath when she gets back out of the rain for a while, and leave the umbrella to the cats, hoping that the damp and stagnant water on the ground won't make them sick.     Jiang Guyu hesitated again and again, but overcame the discomfort in her heart and walked towards the playground. When she reached the place where she used to meet the cat, her socks were soaked and her shoes were covered with mud.     I knew it was going to rain today, but I didn't wear rain boots. What a mistake.     Jiang Guyu didn't see the cat, so he looked around, only to find another figure holding an umbrella on the playground.     It was a plain black umbrella, and the slender figure of the person holding the umbrella could be vaguely seen. In front of him stood something half-human tall. Jiang Guyu was very sure that there was no such thing in the playground the day before.

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