Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

    Because of Jiang Guyu's straight shot, Lu Nandeng didn't dislike An Yao as much as before, and the three of them maintained a strange balance.

    Most of the breaks, Jiang Guyu would still chat with Lu Nandeng or other classmates at the same table. Occasionally, An Yao would come to the second year of high school to ask her some questions—and most of the time it was about sports students, so that others could not intervene at all.

    When it was time for dinner, Jiang Guyu would go to dinner with Lu Nandeng first, and then go directly to the stadium to exercise with An Yao until evening self-study began.

    After evening self-study, everyone went back to their homes, and she also went back to the dormitory with Lu Nandeng.

    Jiang Guyu's day is very fulfilling, whether it's studying or socializing, the two who occupy most of her time tacitly treat each other as if they don't exist.

    ...Although it sounds like a scumbag, the relationship between An Yao and Jiang Guyu is actually pure friendship.

    Jiang Guyu almost forgot that he had promised his classmates to watch the transfer students of the lower grades together, until the transfer students themselves came to the door.

    A classmate told her that someone was looking for her. When Jiang Guyu came to the corridor, what he saw was a boy with good features and a stern face. This is indeed a handsome guy, but what is more noticeable is the familiarity brought by his facial features.

    Before Jiang Guyu could figure out where this sense of familiarity came from, he saw the young man in front of him smile, his indifferent brows and eyes suddenly softened, and his expressions were completely different.

    When he laughed, Jiang Guyu no longer felt familiar, and dispelled the unformed guess in his heart.

    The junior who came all the way to find him was the one who witnessed the scene of Jiang Guyu beating someone two days ago, And Lu Beiyu who thought he fell in love with her at first sight because of 'Oh, woman, you attracted my attention'

    "We met a few days ago, do you remember?" At this point, Lu Beiyu's expression suddenly became a little subtle, and he wanted to rub his legs subconsciously, thinking of the environment he was in now—more importantly, the person in front of him People—after that, he restrained his actions again.

    "Those little bastards are really cruel...but fortunately, senior sister, you saved me." He opened his eyes and said nonsense, even though he was also a victim of being affected, he didn't take it seriously at all.

    To a certain extent, Lu Beiyu can be regarded as a very flexible person.

    After he got closer, he could vaguely smell Alpha's pheromone on her body, so he felt a little upset - she must have a good Alpha friend, I hope it's not her Alpha.

    "Huh?" Jiang Guyu recalled blankly. When it comes to punks, she can only think of the alleyway where she and An Yao met for the first time, but did such a person exist at that time?

    She suddenly remembered this unlucky passer-by who she mistaken for one of the gangsters, and said with a guilty conscience, "Sorry, I misunderstood you at the time... have you recovered from your injury?"

    She saw a group of Another person emerged from behind the ambush gangsters, and that person furtively touched his chest, making her subconsciously think that it was the gangsters' rescuers.

    Until later, there was no such person among the people confessed by the leader of the gangster, and she completely forgot his existence.

    "It's okay, I'm not hurt." He said calmly, his eyes wandering.

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