Chapter 17

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Chapter 17 Lu Beiyu's Bad Day

    Lu Beiyu thought about it.

    Even if the pursuit fails, it feels good to be friends with Jiang Guyu? Because she is so cool!

    Lu Beiyu once held such a mentality and wanted to find Jiang Guyu in the future, but he was too busy with various things for a while. When he was free, he restarted the plan again. First, he planned to bring up their common memory - the amusement park, so as to increase the intimacy between the two parties.

    However, he spent more time walking with An Yao than with Jiang Guyu, so there was really nothing to recall, and after a few awkward chats, he could only mention the unexpected incident in the amusement park.

    He didn't even have time to say anything more, when Jiang Guyu mentioned the 'elevator accident', an unstoppable smile appeared on Jiang Guyu's face.

    "Ah, oh, that matter!" Jiang Guyu smiled brightly, and patted Lu Beiyu's shoulder like two brothers, and said, "Thanks to you, Nan Deng and I are reconciled!"

    She It seems that they really regard Lu Beiyu as a friend, look left and right - of course, Lu Nandeng is not in the classroom at this time, otherwise the two of them will not have time to chat - after confirming that no one is paying attention to them, Jiang Guyu whispered Said: "We are together."

    This sentence is like a bolt from the blue.

    Although he was thanked, Lu Beiyu was not happy at all. He complained bitterly, "You shouldn't say this in front of me, right?

    " Sit back and reap the rewards.

    Lu Beiyu's several efforts have assisted Jiang Guyu and Lu Nandeng, and involuntarily established his identity as a magpie bridge. He really hates it.

    Seeing Jiang Guyu waving vigorously at Lu Nandeng who walked in with the class bell after saying these words of "thank you", Lu Beiyu also had to leave their classroom, and said sadly: "Maybe I'm really not suitable for chasing O, they should Come and chase me."

    The tone of his words was so righteous that people couldn't tell whether he was joking or telling the truth.

    An Yao also came to look for Jiang Guyu at this time, but it was a pity that she was a step late. She glanced at Lu Beiyu, who was completely different from the cute appearance in front of Jiang Guyu in the past. Instead, she sneered arrogantly and said ironically: "You may It is more suitable for opening a dating agency."

    Her complaints were like adding insult to injury, and Lu Beiyu immediately fainted. An Yao seemed to be in a good mood, and was going to go to the stadium to wait for Jiang Guyu after she was going to eat something after school.     No matter whether Jiang Guyu and Lu Nandeng are together or not, it doesn't have any influence on her. Anyway, she just admires Jiang Guyu very much and has no superfluous thoughts.     ...     Lu Beiyu suddenly felt relieved.     Look at what he has experienced during the days when he was chasing Jiang Guyu: the first time he met, he was dizzy by a windy sweeping leg, and after lying alone for a long time, he silently got up and went back by himself. home; because of love at first sight, she shyly pretended to ask for milk tea, but the other party left after paying the money, and did not finish the line with him; after that, she invited to the amusement park, but she brought a rival in love, not to mention that rival in love Or the brother he has been dealing with all along.     After the work was over, Jiang Guyu, the devil, cheerfully came to thank him for being the bond of love between them.     He knows that people sometimes think he is beefy and oily, so he is probably avocado, green and oily.     But since he has worked so hard for so long, it would be a pity to give up so easily - after all, from their relationship in the amusement park, it can be seen that Jiang Guyu and Lu Nandeng should not be together yet.     Lu Beiyu decided to make one last effort and give himself an explanation.     He decided to confess with a straight ball!     Although Lu Beiyu's poor performance in the haunted house fully reflects his nature is a little timid, but he is still very courageous in normal times, especially in his more confident aspects-by the way, love is what he is good at On the one hand, because of his excellent appearance, good family background and being an Alpha, he is still very popular on weekdays.

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