Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

    Jiang Guyu didn't react for a while, and let her instinct control her to act like a fool. She dipped a cotton swab into the potion and planned to paste it on her leg. She realized it just a second before the cotton swab was about to be stained with gauze. I haven't removed the gauze yet.

    Sitting next to a handsome guy is too distracting to concentrate! She made excuses in her heart.

    Lu Nandeng stopped her in time, sighed rather complicatedly, and took the potion and gauze obediently.

    Afterwards, Jiang Guyu completely acted as a hands-off shopkeeper, sitting on the spot and watching Lu Nandeng administer medicine to her.

    At first she was a little scared and couldn't help but look at her wound more, then her gaze was unknowingly attracted by Lu Nandeng's slender fingers, gradually shifted to his wrists, arms, shoulders and neck, and began to stare at his face again.

    When he applied the medicine, his expression was focused, and his movements of touching her wound were gentle.

    His skin is very good, fair and transparent, without any blemishes, the only shortcoming is that it is obvious when it turns red, and a blush spreads from the earlobe.

    "You..." Jiang Guyu asked hesitantly, "Could it be..."

    Lu Nandeng seemed to have guessed what she wanted to say, now not only the ears were flushed, but the flush on the neck even covered his cheeks, his tone almost turned from embarrassment into anger Said: "Shut up, don't move around."

    Jiang Guyu obediently put his hands behind his back like a primary school student, and his legs didn't move any more. Even the muscles tightened due to too much force, and it became inconvenient to apply the medicine. Lu Nandeng patted her leg lightly and without any charm to make her relax.

    Jiang Guyu was quiet for a short while.

    When Lu Nandeng caught a glimpse of Jiang Guyu's toes starting to move boredly again from the corner of his eye, he almost expected that she would be restless again.

    "Could you have just been..." Jiang Guyu repeated the old story.

    "Wait!" He interrupted hastily.

    "..." Jiang Guyu kept quiet and blinked innocently. Lu Nandeng just breathed a sigh of relief when she continued, "You should be shy."


    "Hey, your face turned so red!" Under such circumstances, Jiang Guyu seemed a little lacking in EQ. Not only did he not avoid this embarrassing topic, he even brought it up repeatedly, and even looked closely at it curiously.

    I don't know if it was unintentional or intentional.

    Lu Nandeng shifted his gaze and stared at the ground, but he still felt trembling because of the slight breath and mint smell sprayed on his face.

    Unconsciously, the palm that was only placed on her leg for support also dropped down. He couldn't even hold the cotton swab, and let it fall to the ground, and his fingers touched her leg because of the powerless movement , bringing a burst of enthusiasm.

    The slight twitching movement of the fingers is very like a caress.

    As if being electrocuted, Lu Nandeng withdrew his hand suddenly, and his heart was pounding.

    Lu Nandeng's flushed face, trembling eyelashes, tightly pursed lips, and sweat dripping from the tip of his nose made Jiang Guyu, who didn't feel anything at first, feel embarrassed.

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