Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

    After that passionate kiss, the relationship between Jiang Guyu and Lu Nandeng not only did not become close, but became a little distant.

    It's not that Jiang Guyu didn't admit it after kissing her, on the contrary, it was Lu Nandeng who was avoiding her.

    Jiang Guyu was extremely wronged.

    She thought that the relationship would be confirmed after the kiss, and she had already started planning for a more formal confession, but who knew that Lu Nandeng seemed to be a normal person, and even deliberately alienated her.

    If it was something else, Jiang Guyu would definitely get to the bottom of it, but because she had to estimate Lu Nandeng's feelings, it was inconvenient for her to directly ask why she was alienated.

    There is probably only one reason.

    Only when they don't like it and want to refuse, will they start to avoid meeting each other and the possible embarrassing scenes-even though they are both at the same table and roommates, they look down and see each other.

    Even when get out of class was over, Lu Nandeng seemed immersed in the sea of ​​questions and rarely paid attention to her.

    Jiang Guyu felt that he had become an air person.

    She is actually understandable... After all, she and Lu Nandeng are both Alphas, and in this ABO world, they are equal to being gay, and not everyone can accept all of this calmly.

    Perhaps he had been tempted for a moment, but his actions now are tantamount to giving up and resisting.

    Jiang Guyu has always been a positive person, but now he is a little discouraged.

    Considering Lu Nandeng's mood, she could only choose to temporarily return the relationship to the stage of friends - although Lu Nandeng acted as if he wanted to go back to the stage of strangers directly.

    It would be great if things can be done with hard work, then she will definitely put in a hundred times the energy, but feelings need to go in both directions, and she will make people uncomfortable if she pushes too hard.

    Jiang Guyu also began to cooperate with his indifference and reduced the number of conversations with him.

    All this looked different in Lu Nandeng's eyes.

    In fact, he didn't deliberately alienate her, but... his heart was in a mess.

    He clearly knows that as an Omega, he should alienate others and keep a certain distance from everyone, so as to keep his secrets to the maximum extent, but only as an Alpha can he have a future full of possibilities.

    But Jiang Guyu could easily interfere with his thoughts.

    She also unknowingly added another person to her future plans - when he realized this, he dared not look directly at Jiang Guyu even more.

    Lu Nandeng didn't think she would like him.

    Compared with the depression and low self-esteem in his heart, the scene of Jiang Guyu joking with others hurt Lu Nandeng more.

    She would deliberately avoid his sight, chat with him less often, and no longer pester him as before.

    She treats him like a more distant classmate.

    Thinking of this, Lu Nandeng's expression became even more obscure.

    He didn't know if he should regret that proactive kiss - he thought that it was his proactive kiss that frightened Jiang Guyu and made her feel sick, that's why she alienated him like this.

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