Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

    Jiang Guyu didn't expect that what he thought was just going to a friend's house for a meal, turned into such a situation in the end.

    Even she was slightly embarrassed by it.

    In the end, her concern for her friends prevailed, and she beat Lu's father in one go, and after dragging his son away in front of him, she belatedly felt that it was not appropriate.

    The palms that they held were already sweating, and Lu Nandeng couldn't ignore the touch. Even though he was usually a clean freak, he didn't feel disgusted at this moment.     And the palms that were already warm because they had just come out of the warm room became even hotter. He was like a stiff puppet, who could only be dragged away passively by Jiang Guyu.     He didn't even know where her destination was, all his attention was attracted by this pair of hands with different sizes, palm lines and heat.     A sense of joy also flowed through his body along with the blood, allowing him to radiate warmth from his heart even in the face of the howling cold wind, dispelling all the chills.     Jiang Guyu breathed a sigh of relief after confirming that she had taken him away from home for a long time - she actually thought it was impossible for Lu's father to catch up, but after doing this kind of thing, she couldn't help but run faster.     She slowed down, Lu Nandeng didn't react for a while, and staggered due to inertia, Jiang Guyu realized that they were still holding hands.     Although she took the initiative to hold the hand, she actually didn't think so much before holding it.     On the contrary, now that everything has come to an end, she couldn't help but start to wander. Jiang Guyu pinched his fingers a little uncomfortably—it had no other meaning, it was simply an instinctive reaction to having something in his hand that didn't belong to him.     She panicked for a moment, afraid of being misunderstood by Lu Nandeng, so she hurriedly let go of her hand, and took two steps back to increase the distance.     Jiang Guyu hesitated and said: "Ah, I forgot."     Lu Nandeng lowered his eyes sadly.

    The minute he didn't answer seemed extraordinarily long. Jiang Guyu originally wanted to pretend nothing happened, but he gave the impression that he couldn't easily brush off this topic.     After a long while, Lu Nandeng

    asked, "Don't you like me?" He asked too bluntly, but he didn't want to let me know, let     alone Jiang Guyu. I think I've already been rejected once.     After thinking carefully for a moment, she replied: "Of course I like you!"     "Because we are best friends!"     Lu Nandeng: ...     Although this answer was expected, he really heard it Still frustrating.     With a sullen face, he quickened his pace and walked past Jiang Guyu.     With question marks all over his face, Jiang Guyu trotted to catch up, still not understanding where he said something wrong.     Could it be that her confession of their friendship made Lu Nandeng shy?     ...     Lu Nandeng felt that maybe he was acting too coldly.     He tossed and turned in bed that night, and the most angry thing was that when he got up to go to the toilet, he saw Jiang Guyu lying on the bed, sleeping soundly, with a smile on his face.     His depression is only known to himself.     The next morning, it is quite normal for him to have dark circles under his eyes.     Jiang Guyu asked curiously: "Did you not sleep well?"     She occasionally slept late because of staying up late, but Lu Nandeng's schedule was very normal. If it wasn't for poor sleep, it was There is absolutely no way to have dark circles.     Of course, it was impossible for Lu Nandeng to say that he had been thinking... about her.     He turned his head away.

    After remembering the changes he was determined to make, he responded in a low voice: "A little bit."

    After Jiang Guyu got the response, she finally breathed a sigh of relief, she thought Lu Nandeng was angry.

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