Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

    Maybe it was because they had too much fun during the day and exhausted all their energy. They had little conversation on the way back, not at all like the chattering on the way to the amusement park—although Jiang Guyu was talking most of the time.

    As soon as she was quiet, all she could hear was the howling wind and the sound of footsteps.

    The atmosphere did not become stiff and cold because of the silence and the cold wind.

    Lu Nandeng sneaked glances at her more than once, several times without her noticing, and several times happened to meet Jiang Guyu's gaze, both of them looked away a little embarrassed, and then repeated this process endlessly.

    They were already familiar enough to call each other close friends, and it was not without interactions that almost crossed the line. Often after that, the two of them could act as if nothing had happened and continue to maintain a good and friendly relationship.

    However, water has a boiling point, and there is also a critical point after the relationship has heated up to a certain level.

    Just one look can make people feel the lingering and lingering affection, which is hidden but not revealed.

    In this way, even this silence seems hot and stalemate, but if one person speaks first, it will disturb the ambiguity that each other knows well.

    Walking all the way to the dormitory, this too quiet journey finally came to an end. Lu Nandeng couldn't tell what kind of feeling he was feeling in his heart, but subconsciously let out a breath.

    Maybe it's relaxation, maybe it's regret.

    Just as he was about to enter the dormitory, Jiang Guyu suddenly grabbed his hand.

    The fingers that had been frozen in the cold wind were cold, Jiang Guyu frowned, and wrapped his cold hands with two warm hands seriously, she frowned as if warming hands is something that needs to be solved immediately problem.

    Lu Nandeng turned his head to look at her, his gaze was calm and gentle, and he had no complaints about being dragged outside the door to blow the air.

    Jiang Guyu opened his mouth.

    She finally gave a goofy smile and said, "Your hands are so cold, you should wear gloves when you go outside."

    Lu Nandeng raised his eyebrows and responded.

    At this time, Jiang Guyu did not let go of his hand, but changed from holding his hand with both hands to holding his hand with one hand.

    She walked in with a normal face. When she was walking in the corridor of the dormitory, other Alphas occasionally saw them when they went out, and they all cast strange glances—I had never seen Alphas holding hands so intimately, it seemed a bit Gay is gay in gay.

    Lu Nandeng's thin skin made him feel a little embarrassed.

    Maybe she forgot to let go, but he didn't want to let go either.

    After returning to the dormitory, Lu Nandeng raised his hand and signaled her to let go - it was a bit too deliberate to keep quiet.

    Jiang Guyu looked back innocently, and let go of his hand, not at all like 'Oh, I forgot that we were holding hands before', but rather regretful.

    The cold air suddenly hit, Lu Nandeng shrank his hands, and then sat on his stool as if nothing had happened.

    Jiang Guyu opened her bag and took out some cultural and creative products bought in the amusement park today, and suddenly saw a crushed red rose lying quietly at the bottom of the bag.

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