Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

    In order to bring the word to him, Lu Beiyu went to the second year of high school the next day.

    He didn't resist this matter that much, because he happened to be able to take the opportunity to talk to Lu Nandeng to find Jiang Guyu, and this was a ready-made opportunity.

    Lu Beiyu casually called to a classmate who had just walked out of the classroom, and asked with a charming smile that he had practiced for a long time: "Can I call Lu Nandeng?

    " Seeing Jiang Guyu, she breathed a sigh of relief, and naturally leaned over to poke Jiang Guyu's arm, and said, "Someone outside called Lu Nandeng to have something to do."

    Although she clearly called Lu Nandeng, looking at Jiang Guyu, no one thought Something was wrong, Jiang Guyu blinked, and asked curiously: "Who is it?" The

    classmate shrugged and replied, "I don't know each other, I'll go back to my seat first.

    " look.

    Lu Beiyu and Jiang Guyu's eyes met, and they waved slightly at her.

    Just as Jiang Guyu was about to wave her hand to greet him, she realized Lu Nandeng's gaze. She withdrew her hand awkwardly and said, "Let's go out together?

    " good thing.

    They usually try to keep the well water out of the river water. If Lu Beiyu took the initiative to find him, it must not be Lu Beiyu himself who wanted to put a hot face on his cold ass, or to provoke him. It is most likely Lu's father Lu. Mother sent him to run errands.

    Sure enough, Lu Beiyu straight to the point explained his purpose of coming and conveyed his father's meaning.

    "Mom asked you to bring your friends back to have dinner together." He glanced at Jiang Guyu who came out after Lu Nandeng, and added.

    Lu Nandeng originally wanted to refuse - he had no intention of going back at all, and he knew that Lu's father and Lu mother didn't really want him to go back - but Jiang Guyu heard it from the side, and said with joy from his heart: "Really? ?I am looking forward!"

    Lu Nandeng fell silent for a moment.

    Jiang Guyu noticed his silence, turned to look at him hesitantly, and asked uncertainly: "Aren't you planning to go back?"

    She didn't really want to waste this meal, she just wanted to be a good friend and family relationship Relieved and happy.

    But this made Lu Nandeng mistakenly think that she really wanted to go, although he didn't understand the reason.

    Lu Nandeng swallowed what he wanted to say, and looked at Lu Beiyu: "What time?"

    Lu Beiyu watched their interaction, feeling a little full for no reason. He only came back to his senses after hearing Lu Nandeng's voice, and said, "This Saturday."

    ... On

    Saturday, Lu Nandeng brought Jiang Guyu, who had come to eat dinner, back to the home he hadn't been near for a long time.

    Jiang Guyu also specially brought fruit to visit, curiously looking at the place where Lu Nandeng lived when he was a child.

    Lu's mother had already prepared meals, and the few of them seemed to be eating happily.

    "Eat." Father Lu was in a good mood today, and he kindly picked up a tomato with chopsticks for his eldest son whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

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