Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

    On the other side, Jiang Guyu and Lu Nandeng entered the haunted house early.

    Before entering the haunted house, Jiang Guyu said confidently: "I'm not afraid of ghosts, monsters, etc., what about you?"

    Lu Nandeng said slowly, "I'm fine."

    Jiang Guyu felt a little regretful, so "Oh" One sound.

    Lu Nandeng didn't say anything.

    After walking through the passage of the haunted house, I entered the interior of the haunted house. The dim lights, the cobwebs everywhere, and the blood stains in the corners all set off a terrifying atmosphere.

    Jiang Guyu was indeed as she said, she was not frightened.

    But it all stops when you take the elevator.

    This haunted house has a modern theme. If you want to go upstairs, you can only take the elevator, but when Jiang Guyu and Lu Nandeng entered the elevator, the lights flickered and then went out suddenly.

    "Hmm." Jiang Guyu froze for a moment.

    "Can you feel the floor button?" Jiang Guyu asked, and at the same time he was groping on the wall.

    After Lu Nandeng touched the button, he pressed the button, but no light came on, not even a floor reminder.

    Whether it's just how the haunted house was designed, or if an accident happened, it's not too good.

    After several unsuccessful attempts, Jiang Guyu and Lu Nandeng agreed that this was not the official level given by the haunted house, but that the elevator really broke down.

    Haunted houses generally have warning signs of possible elements at the entrance to prevent unbearable people from entering by mistake. Although most people didn't take it seriously, Jiang Guyu still watched it seriously, and it didn't include being trapped in a completely dark secret room.

    She tried to dial the walkie-talkie given by the staff at the beginning, and the signal seemed to be affected. The internal call button of the elevator, which is supposed to be useful, did not respond. I wonder if the maintenance personnel were lazy and did not find out the problem.

    "Hey, we should be locked up here." She sighed, trying to speak in a brisk tone in order not to spread anxiety at this time.

    Lu Nandeng cooperatively eased the atmosphere and said, "I thought you would like it..." He was halfway through speaking, when he suddenly realized something was wrong, and swallowed the last word—"alone".

    Originally, he subconsciously thought of what Jiang Guyu said before, and wanted to make fun of it, but felt that saying such words at this time was too suggestive.

    However, half-spoken words attract more attention.

    Jiang Guyu didn't react at first, and asked suspiciously: "What?"

    Lu Nandeng's face began to flush again, but fortunately he couldn't be seen in the environment where he couldn't see his fingers.

    Jiang Guyu himself guessed it on his own initiative, and said with a smile: "Oh, this is a place with a camera, you will be seen, do you like such exciting things?"

    Lu Nandeng couldn't restrain the burning of his cheeks, not even himself. Realizing how mouth-watering his expression is at this moment, "What are you thinking again." Stop thinking!

    He tried to keep his tone calm, not so embarrassing, as if he could gain the upper hand in a non-existent war.

    After becoming acquainted with Jiang Guyu, she would occasionally jump back and forth on the line of surpassing her friends, saying some... confusing words.

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