Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

    An Yao witnessed the whole process that Jiang Guyu was brave enough to subdue the little gangster, and with a student's quality, he escorted the little gangster to the teacher and forced him to admit his mistakes. He was obviously not tall or strong, and he didn't even need to fight with everyone. Hitting someone once did what she couldn't do...

    She looked at Jiang Guyu with admiration, and her inner thoughts coincided strangely with the gangster's leader.

    This must be a great social elder sister!

    A strong feeling of admiration could not be suppressed in her heart.

    After solving these troubles, Jiang Guyu noticed that An Yao had been following her silently, without saying a word.

    Then she remembered that this Omega might be frightened, and comforted her, "Are you okay? Are you injured?"

    When An Yao was called by her, she regained her senses and shook her head: "I'm fine."

    She paused , Thank you again: "Thank you."

    Jiang Guyu smiled heartily, and she waved her hand: "It's okay, you've already thanked me once!"

    "However, you must be careful in the future," Jiang Guyu instructed earnestly. , "If you don't have the ability to protect yourself, try not to walk into unmanned paths."

    An Yao nodded.

    But rather than avoiding places where she is likely to meet bad people, she hopes that she will no longer be hurt.

    Why does she always have to take a detour?

    She had resigned herself to her fate in the past, and succumbed to the gender that she was judged to be an Omega at birth, and she was as weak and resentful as the stereotypes others gave her.

    But all this changed when she saw Jiang Guyu.

    "How can I protect myself?" An Yao asked blankly, "I'm just an Omega."

    Jiang Guyu didn't understand what she meant, and replied uncertainly: "Learn self-defense? Bring some small props for self-defense? "

    An Yao forced a smile: "But no matter how long I practice, I can't compare to Alpha."

    It's not all due to her low self-esteem. In terms of physical fitness, Alpha has a natural advantage.

    "But you don't need to defeat them all. You just need to run away, and someone will come to punish them." Jiang Guyu replied, "You don't need to confront them head-on. If you are weak, you can take advantage of your soft and agile body There is always a way to use strength to fight."

    Jiang Guyu shrugged: "After all, not everyone is that strong, that's why some people create different martial arts according to their own characteristics."

    An Yao was persuaded by her .

    More importantly, her concept has been changed, and she also wants to change.

    She is just in her freshman year of high school, and it is not too late to choose a future direction even now. But now, a passion arose in her heart, or perhaps it was the never-ending anger that was about to engulf her in the past ten years, prompting her to make a choice.

    She wants to learn sports.

    After hearing An Yao's thoughts, although Jiang Guyu was surprised for a moment—their circle of sports students is not big, and they usually train together on the playground, all of them are Beta and Alpha, not a single Omega—but The next second she was laughing again.

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