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3rd pov

As a group of friends were walking through a forest the young teens were thinking about the new adventure to go on they had many ideas on what to do. They reached an old, crooked, dangerous looking bridge. As two of them started to cross without realising their mistake they had passed by a sign which one of the teens who is know as Cyra noticed and started to read the sign as the other two teens known as Brisa and Josh had crossed passed halfway stepping carefully across the bridge they then realised that Cyra wasn't with them. They turned and looked to see her next to the sign.

Josh: "Hey Cyra what the hold up? We have an adventure to go on."

Brisa: "Cyra is something wrong?"

Cyra: "Guys comes back there are Grimm in the area and the bridge is not very safe it collapse at any moment!"

Brisa and Josh looked at each other before nodding to each other to go back."

However, as they were walking back to Cyra they heard growling which they started to look around to find the source of the noise. Once they looked behind them they saw grimm's know as Beowolves Brisa and Josh started to run back as fast as they could without being cautious in that moment one of the wooden planks broke underneath Brisa's feet causing her to fall through she grabbed one of the other planks as she was hanging on Brisa's ear's slightly twitch to the sound of a slight snap as she looked up she was that the bridge was about to collapse as the ropes were snapping due to the weight of the grimms. She looked below her and noticed a wide river, praying for her chance to survive she had tested her luck before she dropped she called back to her friends.

Brisa: "Josh, Cyra go home now!"

Josh: "What about you!"

Cyra: "We aren't going to leave you!"

Brisa: "Just go and if I don't survive forget about me!"

Josh: "Hold on we'll come back with help!"

The two ran back home to get help she looked up to see the Beowolves standing right above her. Brisa had let go of the bridge she looked up as she fell to notice that the bridge had collapsed with the Grimm on top. As she was hit closer to the water the bridge had just about reached her cause of the weight as her, the bridge and the Beowolves had all landed in the water the bridge from the weight had knocked into Brisa knocking her out of conscious. She had been swept away by the river and never ended up going back to her family or friends.

Timeskip 2-3 years later

3rd Pov

Over the years of Brisa's disappearance Josh and Cyra had informed people even Brisa's little brother of what happened but most didn't believe them after they couldn't find a trace of Brisa, her little brother went to go look for her but he didn't ever come back. Cyra and Josh spent years training and going to school to help get over Brisa this worked out but it was to the point where they couldn't really remember much of her only that her name started with a B or that she was a Faunus. But couldn't remember anything else not her name, her face or her voice nor her personality but they knew she existed they wanted to find their missing friend.

Meanwhile with Brisa

Brisa: *Panting* "I'm not finished yet!"

Brisa huffed as she was being zapped by a thunderbird that goes by the name Raiden she was trying to manipulate lightning, she then blasted it into a training dummy.

A man: "Well done '78389' your semblances and skills are getting better."

A man came in and praises her.

Brisa(78389): "you think so Doctor Dugal,"

Doctor Dugal: "yes '78389' I think you should finally see the outside world again."l

Brisa: (thinking): 'Woah this is a lifetime opportunity do I really get a chance to go outside again.'

Brisa: "Can I actually go outside."

Doctor Dugal: "Yes, you and Raiden get to leave this place forever if you like."

Brisa: "Thank you so much doc-"

Zeru: "No my child call me Zeru there is no need for doctor anymore you are no longer a test subject being used anymore"

Brisa: "Ok thank you Zeru."

Zeru: "Oh and Brisa a special someone can go with you but they just need around two more years."

Brisa: "But in around two years I'll be eighteen so I'll miss entering into Beacon academy but I'll try to wait."

As Brisa was given a new set of clothes she had then packed a few things she needed and then left the place she's been at for 2-3 years now she will finally try and join Beacon and find her childhood friends.

What does Raiden look like (instead of green he's blue) (credit to goes original artist NickShepard117)

What does Raiden look like (instead of green he's blue) (credit to goes original artist NickShepard117)

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