Ch.9 The Badge and The Burden

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3rd Pov

Brisa: "Ugh, what time is it?"

Brisa reached over to the side of her bed and grabbed her alarm clock from her nightstand to check the time.

Brisa: "7:00... Still that early? Oh well, might as well get up and get ready. Classes are gonna start up in a few hours, anyway."

Brisa got up and was just about to start getting changed when she looked over to where her teammates were sleeping. They all took the corners of the room for more space. There were two small bookshelves, two desks, two closets and a birdcage, all shared with Brisa and Cyra with the one half, and with Josh and Raiden with the other half. Brisa walked into the bathroom and locked the door. After a few minutes, she had finally exited the bathroom with her uniform on. She had, the regular blazer, shirt and jumper however, had trousers instead of a skirt because it felt the most comfortable.

Better get the whole team up or we're gonna be late, she thought. Brisa first walked over to Cyra. A slight shake was enough to wake her up. She sat up and stretched her arms out.

Cyra: (Yawn) "Oh, good morning Brisa. Did you have a good sleep?"

Brisa: "Tch. Barely got any. You can thank Raiden for that. Won't stop snoring every second of the minute."

Cyra giggled a bit at her comment, which caused her to start cracking up, ending up waking both Josh and Raiden on the process.

Josh: "Morning, Cyra, Brisa."

Raiden: *Cheep* 'Ugh, still tired. Give me ten more minutes, Brissy.'

Brisa: "You could do that if you want to, while the rest can listen to the great idea I just came up with. But first things first, I suggest you all get changed into your uniforms, so we can all finally go once classes begin."

They all nodded, except for Raiden who continued snoring on in his cage. Brisa rolled her eyes at this as she conjured up an icy bolt from some dust. Brisa thrust her hand forward and it trailed down to Raiden's rump (rump is the patch above the tail and low on the back). His eyes literally shot wide open as he flew up from the bed.

Raiden: *Screech* 'Ah! Cold! Cold! Cold! Fine! I'm up! I'm up! I'm up! I'm up! Geez.....'

After a few minutes, they were finally on their uniforms. Cyra was wearing the standard female uniform of the Academy. As for Josh, he was wearing the standard uniform for males.

They all turned towards the door and noticed a few of Brisa's stuff still unpacked from last night.

Brisa: "Ugh. Who would take all this much stuff?!"

Josh: "Uhm, weapon's maker here, bud. Of course, I will still need a few weapon parts, upgrades, and modifications for Shredder."

Cyra: "I-I didn't bring much stuff! Honest!"

Raiden: *Cheep* 'I just couldn't leave my thunder crystals behind!'

Brisa literally faces palmed at their replies, except for Josh which was completely understandable.

Brisa: "Fine. But let's hurry up if you guys don't wanna be late for the first day of school."


Inside Team RWBY's, Weiss Schnee is seen sleeping soundly in her bed. Her eyes flutter open and she stretches her arms above herself, yawning, while Ruby Rose, dressed in her strangely-coloured school uniform, creeps up on her side and suddenly blows a whistle, causing Weiss to fall off the bed.

Ruby: "Good morning, team RWBY!"

Weiss: (from the floor) "What in the world is wrong with you?"

Ruby: (ignoring the question) "Now that you're awake, we can officially begin our first order of business."

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