Ch.7 The Emerald Forest pt.2

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3rd Pov

Back at the top of the cliff, Goodwitch  and Ozpin was standing there and observing the students on their scrolls.

Glynda: "Our last pair has been formed, sir. Lie Ren, and Nora Valkyrie. Poor boy. I can't possibly imagine those two getting along. Still..."

Glynda switched her display on her scroll to view Pyrrha and Jaune.

Glynda: "He's still probably better off than Ms Nikos."

Ozpin: "Hmm."

Glynda: "I don't care what his transcripts say. That Jaune fellow is not ready for this level of combat."

She then switched her scroll off.

Glynda: "I guess we'll find out soon enough. At their current pace, they should reach the temple within just a few moments."

She turned and began to walk away from the cliff, before stopping and turning around.

Glynda: "Speaking of which, what did you use as Relics this year?"

Ozpin: "..."

Glynda: "Professor Ozpin?"

Ozpin: "Hmm..."

He was too busy looking at his scroll, which had a view of Ruby sitting on the floor with Weiss pacing back and forth. All while Ruby played with the leaves.

Weiss: "It's definitely this way... no wait, it's this way! It's this way for sure...."

She then stopped in front of Ruby.

Weiss: "Alright, it's official, we've passed it."

Ruby then stood up and folded her arms.

Ruby: "Why can't you just admit that we have no idea where we're going?"

Weiss: "Because I know exactly where we're going! We're going to... the Forest Temple."

Ruby: "Ugh!"

Weiss: "Oh stop it, you don't know where we are either!"

Ruby: "Well at least I'm not pretending to know everything!"

Weiss: "What is that supposed to mean?"

Ruby: "It means that you're a big stupid jerk and I hate you!"

Weiss: "Whatever! Let's just keep moving."

Ruby: *Imitating Weiss* "Oh, just keep moving! Hurry up! Wah, watch where you're going!"

Weiss tried her best to ignore Ruby's remarks.

Ruby: "Why are you so bossy?"

Weiss: "I'm NOT bossy, don't say things like that!"

Weiss finally turned around in a fit of annoyance and walked back towards Ruby.

Ruby: "Stop treating me like a kid!"

Weiss: "Then stop acting like a kid!"

Ruby: "Well stop acting like you're perfect!"

Weiss: "I'm not perfect... not yet. But I'm still leads better than you."

Weiss turned back around and began to walk off once more.

Ruby: "You don't even know me..."

Elsewhere in the Forest.

Cyra: "Hey, I see some kind of clearing up ahead. Maybe it's the temple?"

Josh: "Only one way to find out, right?"

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