Ch.1 Ruby Rose

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3rd POV

In the city of Vale in a quaint dust shop by the name of: Dust Till Dawn. A young girl enthusiastically read the weapon's magazine she had in hand, she had no idea how long she had been in the store aisle; she didn't care she was too engaged in her reading material.

???: "Do you have any idea how hard it is to find a Dust shop open this late?"

The teen let out a grunt as she was disturbed from her weapons. Making a mental note of the page she was currently on, she reached for the headphones resting on her neck and placed them over her ears.

The sound of a rock song being sung by a female vocalist filled her ears. It was a bit loud, but it was better than hearing the chatter coming from the other shopgoers.

Ruby Rose wasn't one for human interaction, while she was capable of it she didn't like it very much. Her sister was the sociable one, not her; she preferred being in the background and tinkering with her weapon.

Ruby felt a hand on her shoulder, and then the next moment she was turned around. Coming face to face with an older man in a black suit, gesturing for her to remove her headphones.

Ruby: "Yes?"

Guy in a suit: "I said hands in the air, now!"

Ruby wasn't sure if this man was robbing her or trying to goad her into a new dance craze. So she asked for clarification.

Ruby: "Are you...robbing me?"

Guy in a suit: "Yes!"

Ruby: "Ooooh."

Truth be told Ruby did have another interest other than weapons...Ruby acted fast, kicking the man across the chest at blinding speeds sending him flying towards the front of the store.

Ruby was an aspiring Huntress in training...

Roman Torchwick, Master thief extraordinaire or so he'd tell others; honestly preferred to work alone. Trusting only a very select few, and selling his services to whoever paid him the most.

The thief watched as the men he hired cleaned out the old man's Dust shop. Reaching into his pocket to pull out a cigar and light it, this heist would be easy. The cops weren't the brightest here in Vale, and no Huntsmen or Huntresses would get here on time. It's the perfect long as there aren't any complications.

Ruby: "HYAAA!"

Roman rotated his head slightly just in time to see one of his hired men fly past him, and into a shelf of the merchandise, he'd planned to steal. Another of the men he'd hired rushed towards whoever attacked his similarly dressed colleague.

Roman turned away knowing already how this was going to end. He kept the cigar in his mouth and held his trusty cane in one hand. The sound of glass shattering signalled him that whoever was attacking them wasn't afraid of a scrap.

Now the master thief had seen his fair share of Huntsmen and Huntresses of all shapes and sizes, but he never expected to see a young girl in a red cape with a mechanical scythe.

Roman: "Okay.... Get her."

The men rushed the young girl, easily being taken down by the hooded huntress. Roman sighed as each man fell, regretting his choice in hiring these men from some local nightclub.

Roman pointed his cane at the girl, seeing an opening as she deflected an attack from one of the hired guns.

Roman: "Sorry little Red."

Roman pulled the trigger, his cane firing off a flare-like round right at the young girl. Her face contorted into one of pure shock as she saw it approach, she wouldn't be able to react in time.

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