Ch.2 The Shining Beacon

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Brisa Pov

Owen: "Wow..."

Brisa:*whistle* "Hello Beacon"


Brisa: "Someone's not having a great day"

Me and Owen then dashed to where the explosion was and ran into a girl reading a book and holding red dust.

Brisa: "Uh what happened!?"

I asked her.

We see Ruby talking to a girl covered in soot, though it quickly disappears.

White Girl: "Unbelievable! This is exactly the kind of thing I was talking about!"

Ruby: "I'm really, really sorry!"

White Girl: "Ugh, you complete dolt! What are you even doing here? Aren't you a little too young to be attending Beacon?"

Ruby: "Well, I-I..."

White Girl: "This isn't your ordinary combat school. It's not just sparring practice, you know! We're here to fight monsters, so... watch where you're going!"

Ruby: "Hey, I said I was sorry, princess!"

Bow Girl: "It's heiress, actually."

The girl then approaches with the bottle.

Bow Girl: "Weiss Schnee, heiress to the Schnee Dust Company, one of the largest producers of energy propellants in the world."

When I heard that, it gave me a slight headache. I then touched my head.

Brisa: "Aghhhh..."

Owen: "You OK?"

Brisa: "Yeah, just a slight headache."

The Girl in White then smiles smugly.

Weiss: "Finally! Some recognition!"

Bow Girl: "The same company infamous for its controversial labour forces and questionable business partner."

Brisa: "Oooh Boy."

Weiss then gets angry again as Ruby chuckles.

Weiss: "Wha- How dare you- The nerve of... Ugh!"

Weiss then gets up in the girl's face and takes the bottle from her, walking off in a huff helpers gather the luggage and follow.

Ruby: "I promise I'll make this up to you!"

To the storming Snowflake, still sorry.

Ruby: *sigh* "I guess I'm not the only one having a rough first day... So, what's..."

We see the girl in Black walking off as well, then Ruby collapses to the ground on her back.

Ruby: "Welcome to Beacon..."

We then walked to the Fallen Red Riding Hood.

Brisa: "Having trouble on your first day?"

I said as I hold out my hand, and stood up.

Ruby: "Tell me about it....."

Ruby then took my hand and stood up.

Brisa: "Where's Yang? I thought she was with you."

Ruby: "She took off to see her friends....."

Brisa: "I see... Oh, Ruby, this is-"

Owen: "Owen Elliot! Nice to meet you mada-"

Brisa: "Dude, stop. I mean it's polite and all but just stop. It's weird."

I said as I put my hand on his shoulder, while Owen sighs a little.

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