Ch.3 The Shining Beacon pt.2

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3rd Pov

Brisa was walking for what felt like hours, stuck in her head. The memories of the lab are getting to her every minute. She was so distracted that she didn't notice someone running straight into her. As she was falling she used her tail to stop herself from falling onto the ground by grabbing something nearby. However, the fact she snapped out of her trance. Brisa looked to see a girl on the ground from bumping into each other.

Green e/c girl: "Oh, I'm so sorry."

Brisa: "I bumped into you."

Green e/c girl: "Well I still ran straight into you."

Brisa looked at her with a curious look as she helped her up.

Brisa: "What's your name?"

Cyra: "Oh, I-um my name is Cyra... Cyra Drake."

Brisa: 'Could this really be my childhood friend, I mean they have the same name and matching eyes and hair still I could be wrong.'

Brisa: "Well I'm Brisa."

Brisa extended her hand to shake hands. Cyra smiled and shook her hand.

Cyra: "I just realized you're a faunus. *looking at Brisa's ears and then tail* I've always wanted to see one the last time I saw one like you was around 3 years ago. However I can't remember a single thing about them."

Brisa: "Oh that's not good I hope you can find them again."

Cyra: "I think we should go to the welcoming ceremony."

Brisa: "Yeah let's go"

Brisa and Cyra walked to the welcoming ceremony.


Owen Pov

After what felt like forever walking around, Owen, Jaune, and Ruby were able to find the Amphitheatre, where they were all supposed to be heading to. It was at that time that Yang spotted the group, and called out.

Yang: "Ruby! Over here! I saved you a spot!"

Ruby: "Oh! I gotta go! I'll see you after the ceremony! See ya Jaune. Owen, are you coming? There might be an empty spot for you too."

Owen: "Oh, uh, sure!"

With that, the two walked off to Yang, leaving Jaune all on his lonesome.

Jaune: "Hey wait- ugh... great. Where else am I supposed to find other nice people to talk to?"

Jaune then walked off on his way.

Yang: "Sooo, how's your first day been going little sister?"

Ruby: "You mean since you ditched me and I exploded?"

Yang: "Yikes... meltdown already?"

Owen: "Nope, she literally exploded a hole in the school."

Ruby: "Yeah! And there was some fire, and I think some ice..?"

Yang: "Are you being sarcastic?"

Owen: "Not at all..."

Ruby: "I tripped over this crabby girl's luggage, and then she yelled at me, and then I sneezed, and then I exploded, and then she yelled again, and I felt really, REALLY, bad, and I just wanted her to stop yelling at me."

What Ruby didn't realize was that Weiss was standing right behind her listening to everything she said.

Weiss: "You!"

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