Ch.6 The Emerald Forest

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3rd POV

Yang had made her landing earlier and was strolling through the forest to the goal and keeping an eye out for potential partners. In the bushes surrounding the blonde, something dark was lurking away, waiting for a moment to strike.

Yang: "Helloooooo? Is anyone out there? Helloooooo! I'm getting bored here."

Her walking pace then slowed to a stop as she heard rustling coming from one of the nearby bushes.

Yang: "Is someone there?"

The rustling didn't cease, and Yang got closer to the bushes that the noise was coming from. She hastily pushed aside the bushes to find the source of the noise.

Yang: "Ruby is that you?"

At that point, she was met face to face with a snarling Ursa.

Yang: "Nnnope!"

She then ducked out of the way as the Ursa lunged forward and missed a swipe at the blonde with his claws. After Yang landed, a second Ursa came out from the bushes behind her, and the blonde backflipped out of the way, activating her weapon Ember Celica, ready to fight. She charged forward, punching one of the two Ursai onto its back, leaving it flailing while she uppercut, and then kicked the second Ursa away.

Yang: "You two didn't happen to see a girl in a red hood, did you?"

The two Ursai then growled, and then one rushed forward to swipe at Yang a few more times with its claws.

Yang: "You could just say no! Haha! Geez, you two couldn't hit the broadside of a bar-..."

She stopped mid-speech as a single strand of her hair floated down gently in front of her face and onto the dirt.

Yang: "...You..!"

For a moment, the Ursai stopped and glanced at each other, completely confused as to what happened.


Her entire being seemingly ignited, and her eyes went from lilac to a bright red before charging angrily at the two Ursai. She launched one into the air using a blast from her Ember Celica and then started to send a barrage of punches into the Ursa's body before sending it flying through a line of trees with one final punch. Parts of the ground were even on fire as a result of Yang's fury. The remaining Ursa ran after Yang and then stopped right in front of her, as if unsure what to do against Yang. In response, the blonde simply turned and faced the Grimm.

Yang: "What?! You want some too?!"

Then, the Ursa stood on its back legs, ready to attack, before a blade whipped right into its back, killing it and causing it to fall forwards onto its belly. The person behind the stealth kill was none other than Blake Belladonna, who simply smiled at Yang as she pulled her weapon out of the Ursa. Yang's eyes turned back into their original colour before she spoke.

Yang: "I coulda taken him."


Cyra was still busy making her way through the forest and picked up footsteps. She turned in the direction of the voice.

Upon a closer look in the direction of the footsteps, she saw a small tuft of black hair strolling about the place. She realized who it was and talked to herself briefly.

Cyra: "So, you're my partner, huh...? Josh."

Cyra then ran off, this time shouting out.

Cyra: "Hey! Wait up!"

Josh, heard Cyra's yell and stopped, turning around with his hands resting behind his head.

Josh: "Hey! You're that girl from the ballroom!"

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