Ch.8 Players and Pieces

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3rd Pov

So, before the whole Ruby falling out of the sky event happened, Ruby and Weiss hitched a ride on a giant Nevermore.

Weiss: "Ruby! I told you this was a bad idea!"

Ruby: "We're fine! Stop worrying!"

Weiss: "I am SO far beyond worrying!"

Ruby: "In a good way?"

Weiss: "In a bad way Ruby! A VERY bad way!"

Ruby: "Well why don't we just jump?!"

Weiss: "Are you crazy?!"

Just as Weiss finished that sentence, Ruby had already jumped off the winged beast and left Weiss behind.


Down on the ground...

Ruby: "Heads uuup!!!"

A few feet before she hit the ground, Jaune, who was sent flying by a Death Stalker moments ago, collided with Ruby and cancelled her vertical momentum out. The two of them proceeded to fly into a tree and landed on top of one of the larger branches safely. Well, Ruby did anyways; Jaune's foot got caught on something and now he's hanging upside down on a branch above Ruby's.

Ruby: *Dizzy* "Ow... what was that..?"

Jaune: 'Uh..."

When Ruby finally regained her composure, she saw Jaune hanging around.

Jaune: "Hey Ruby..."

Blake: "Did your sister just fall from the sky?"

Yang: "I-."

Nora: "Ye~ehaw!"

Before Yang could speak anymore, the trees in front of the Relic area began to shake and crackle before falling over. Moments after, an Ursa came falling out, only to be hit by an explosion and falling over to reveal Nora.

Nora: "Aww... it's broken. *Standing on top of the Ursa* Eww..."

Ren came out of the forest after Nora, bending over slightly to catch his breath.

Ren: "Nora? Please... don't ever do that again... Nora?"

Just as he looked up to where Nora was, she was gone again, this time she went into the Temple and stopped in front of one of the Relics, the Rook piece. She took the Relic and held it on top of her hand before parading around the temple.

Nora: "I'm queen of the ca~stle, I'm queen of the ca~stle-."

Ren: "NORA!"

Nora froze in place before letting the relic fall off her head and into her hand.

Nora: "Coming Ren!"

Raiden: *cheep* "Did that girl just ride in on an Ursa?"

Brisa: "He said 'did that girl just ride in on an Ursa?'"

Yang: "I-"

Yang was cut off once again, by more growling and tree shattering, as Pyrrha was running towards the temple with a Death Stalker hot on her tail. She narrowly dodged two swipes from the Death Stalker's claws before calling out.

Pyrrha: "Jaune!"

Jaune: "Pyrrha!"

Ruby: "Whoa!"

Jaune: "Ruby!"

Ruby left Jaune hanging and jumped down to the ground, where she finally reunited with Yang.

Yang: "Ruby?"

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