Ch.16 Black and White

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Brisa Pov

Sun: "Finally, she speaks! Nearly two days and you gave me nothing but small talk and weird looks!"

She demonstrates this yet again as Blake gives Sun a firm look.

Sun: "Yeah, like that."

Brisa: "Leave her some space Monkey."

Sun: "Nor are you friendly as well."

She rolls her eyes before closing them and looking at them sadly.

Blake: "Sun... Are you familiar with the White Fang?"

Sun: "Of course! I don't think there's a Faunus on the planet who hasn't heard of them. Stupid, holier-than-thou creeps that use force to get whatever they want. Bunch of freaks, if you ask me!

She takes a sip from her drink while listening until she speaks up for the big reveal...

Blake: "I was once a member of the White Fang."

Extremely shocked to surprise, he promptly goes cross-eyed and chokes on his drink, making him put it down and wipe his mouth as he holds up a hand to process this information.

Sun: "Wait a minute, YOU were a member of the White Fang, I would understand her but you?!"

Brisa: "Oi! I have only been in their camp nothing else, say one more thing and I'll tear you to pieces!"

Blake put her hand on my head and pet me calming me down.

Blake: "I was a member for most of my life, actually. You could almost say I was born into it... Back then, things were different. In the ashes of war, the White Fang was meant to be a symbol of peace and unity between Humans and the Faunus. Of course, despite being promised equality, the Faunus were subjected to discrimination and hate. Humanity still thought of us as lesser beings. And so, the White Fang rose up as the voice of our people. And I was there. I was at the front of every rally. I took part in every boycott. I actually thought we were making a difference. But I was just a youthful optimist. Then, five years ago, our leader stepped down, and a new one took his place. A new leader, with a new way of thinking. Suddenly, our peaceful protests were being replaced with organized attacks. We were setting fire to shops that refused to serve us, hijacking cargo from companies that used Faunus labour. And the worst part was, it was working. We were being treated like equals. But not out of respect... out of fear."

Blake then puts down her teacup in front of a stunned Sun.

Blake: "So, I left. I decided I no longer wanted to use my skills to aid in their violence, and instead, I would dedicate my life to becoming a Huntress. So here I am a criminal hiding in plain view, all with the help of a little black bow."

She wiggles her cat ears beneath the fashionable disguise to demonstrate. Coming to terms with this, he says...

So that's why she truly left the White Fang I can't blame her can I?

Sun: "So... have you told your friends any of this?"

Blake merely looks down in shame and says nothing.

Sun: *Looks at me* "What about you?"

Brisa: "Me? Well, I have had some ups and downs in my life."

Blake: "Brisa don-"

Brisa: "Don't worry about it."

Brisa: "I guess I can tell you. *sighs* Let's see I had some childhood friends, I went on an adventure with them, the bridge I was on was old and it later collapsed because of a Grimm attack I flew in the river and was found later by some scientists. *Pause* T-they tested on me for 3 or 4 years causing me to surface 3 more semblance's which is my G̵͈̚l̴̹̕i̸̱͛t̷͍̍c̷̯̄h̵̜͝, Teleportation and purify it was actually really painful to gain all those abilities. My code name 78389 I was used for their curiosity. However, there was this one scientist that actually helped me and let me go he also gave me my partner Raiden. I then went to different locations and actually ran into the White Fang I think I was....17 also when I first saw you Blake but you never saw me I don't believe but I believe you heard about me. I then helped Ruby at the Dust robber and now I'm here."

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