Ch.4 The First Step

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3rd POV

It was a rather peaceful morning after a chaotic night at Beacon. Quite a few oncoming students had already woken up to prepare for the test today. Others were still trying to get every scrap of sleep they could. Or, at least they were until...

???: "Wake Up Lazybutt!"

An orange-haired young lady was practically yelling at some poor black-haired man to wake up, causing everyone else in the ballroom to awaken, whether they wanted to or not. Thankfully, Brisa had gotten up sometime beforehand and saved herself the trouble of having her sleep interrupted in such a manner. Though, she did feel bad for the guy she was trying to wake up since he was just quietly trying to survive the morning.

From their conversation, however, Brisa managed to gather that the orange-haired girl's name was Nora, and the Black-Haired guy's name was Ren. By the time everyone was in the locker rooms grabbing their equipment, Nora and Ren were already heading out and trying to get together some kind of plan to ensure that they are going to be on the same teams. Something about Sloths?

Brisa on the other hand was opening up her Locker and munching on a quick brownie bar while she grabbed her equipment, along with Owen, Yang, and Ruby.

Ruby: "I wonder what those two are so worked up about..."

Owen: "Maybe they're just excited about the test..?"

Yang: "Oh, who knows? What about you Ruby? You seem awfully chipper today."

Ruby: "Heh, yup! No more awkward small talk, or 'getting to know you' stuff. Today, I get to let my sweetheart do the talking."

For a brief moment, she pressed her face right up against her inactive Crescent Rose while Yang talked.

Yang: "Well, remember Ruby, you're not the only one going through initiation. If you want to grow up, you have to learn to meet new people and work together."

This irritated the young 15-year-old.

Ruby: "Ughh, you sound like dad."

Owen: "Yang is right though, it would be better if you learned how to work together with everyone."

Ruby: "First of all, what does meeting people have to do with fighting? I don't need people to help me grow up. I drink milk."

Brisa: "Well the milk hasn't exactly done much for your height..."

Ruby: "Ah! Brisa!!"

Cue weak punches to Brisa's back, and very small giggles from Yang and Owen.

Brisa: "It was a joke! Relax!"

Ruby: "Hmph."

Owen: "It's not like you drink milk yourself Bri..."

Brisa: "That's because I'm lactose intolerant, I can't exactly have milk."

Ruby: "Really?"

Brisa: "Yep, but in the end I'm taller between the both of us."

Ruby: "Meanie..."

Brisa: "Call me whatever it's true Ruby sorry to tell you that."

Yang: "Joking aside, what about when we form teams?"

Ruby: "I dunno... I could just be on your team, or Brisa's team or something..."

Yang started to play around with her long hair.

Yang: "Uh, maybe you should be on someone else's team."

Ruby: "My dear sister Yang, are you implying that you don't wish to be on the same team as me?"

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