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I smiled up at him then turned to the duo who I wanted to become a couple.

"Lina, can I ask you something real quick?" I asked, she nodded and followed me over to a corner. I leaned on the wall with a serious face. "We only have a week to train, I need to know something and I want you to be honest with me." I said.

She gulped. "Okay?" She asked, I sighed.

"Are you 100% sure you want to become something like us? I mean Kid is the leader of this place and kills people day and night. Killer does the same thing and many others here as well, they aren't just some plain singers or rappers or whatnot. This is serious, so are you sure?"

She looked me in my eyes as a way of trying to read me. "I want to kill the people who killed my parents. I want revenge, then I want to help you and this crew with whatever you need help with. I want to do this for myself and for you Nior." She finally said, I stood there for a couple of seconds to gather what she said.

Within a blink of an eye, I was hugging her. Tightly.

"You shouldn't use your anger as a weapon, I'll teach you that, but I'm so glad you agreed to do it. I mean you did kill your ex already but that was because of something different." I mumbled the last part, she giggled and hugged me back tighter than I had.

I soon let go of her, morely because I didn't like hugs like that but also because I heard footsteps from behind me.

"So I'll train you starting tomorrow morning when we're back at home." I smiled, she nodded with a smile.

She soon got a call and since she's my assistant, she had to take it. I turned around to the man I already knew was there and gave him a smile.

"What'd you guys talk about?" Kid asked, pulling me a little closer by my waist.

"I needed to make sure she wanted to come with us, that's all. Have you told the crew yet about me helping you guys out yet?" I asked, he started to sweat and I sighed.

"Tell them later, I'm gonna go home to get clothes for myself over here. Then I gatta go shopping with Lina to get out clothes for the dumb meet up thingy, then I have to come back here and.. never mind, you'll see later.. Then all this week I have to train Lina and myself because I'm a little rusty and I don't wanna be."

Kid smirked. "Seems like you are gonna be busy, lucky me, I won't be." He teased, I stuck out my tongue at him.

I saw Lina coming back over to me so I gave us some room. "I'll try to text or call as much as I can but most of the time, I won't be able to. I'ma put Lina through hell." I smirked at myself. Lina heard it and all of the color on her face slipped off, she was terrified.

After making sure I had everything from Kid, I made my way to Lina's car.

"Be careful." He said in a low voice so the others didn't hear him, I giggled and pulled him down to me.

"I'm always careful." I said and kissed him, he smirked into the kiss.

I heard Killer and Lina clear their throats, I held a finger up to them to hold on. I finally gave us some room and glared at the two.

"Always ruining our fun." I commented and got into the car.

Kid chuckled at my irritated mood but I knew he felt the same way. I waited for Lina to get in which she did soon after, I started the car and rolled down the window.

"Cheer up, it'll be fine." Kid chuckled, I sighed and kissed his cheek.

"I know I know, now shoo. We got plans." I said, grabbing black sunglasses and putting them on.

Loyalty ★ { Eustass Kid x F!oc }Where stories live. Discover now