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"Got it sis. I'll let pops know what you need from us.. are you sure I can't kill him?" Ace pouted on the phone.

"No Ace, it's too suspicious if you do. We can only do it if he actually full on comes after me." I said, he sighed and I could already see his sad face. I giggled a little.

"I'ma call Luf inna sec, love you!" I said before walking out of the storage room and ending the call.

I walked back into the studio, they smiled at me.

"I got grandpa on the line Nior." Lina said, I smiled and took the phone.

"Grandpa!" I said with a big smile, "My granddaughter! How have you been?!" He yelled into the phone like usual.

"Good gramps! Listen, you remember my fiance?"

"Oh.. him, what about that guy.. what's his name?"

"Eugene, he cheated on me." I finally said, he almost exploded.

"He what!? To my granddaughter!? After I actually gave him permission to put a ring on your finger!?" He yelled, I smiled a little less.

"Mhm. And he won't leave me alone." I mumbled.

I heard him sigh. "I'll be there in a week or two, tell Luffy, Ace, and Sabo I said they need to become fine Marines!" He yelled the last part making me giggle.

"Sure gramps, I love you! See ya" I said, he doesn't usually say it back so he hung up, my smile then dropped.

"I don't wanna call Luf anymore.. he doesn't listen to me.. well kinda." I mumbled to myself.

I did indeed call Luffy and he said he wont do anything.. well, Nami said she would make him stay put unless something were to happen.

I'm just doing this for my safety cause he's crazy as hell. Trust me.







It's been 5 days, it's now Thursday and I'm finally moving into my new house. It's definitely small but it's pretty nice for just me.. and it's super cute!!

Lina, Alex, and the whole strawhat crew helped me get new furniture and even helped me build it. I thanked them a lot, since they did more than me. Well.. mostly Franky and Usopp.

They were incredibly fast.

"Finally.." I whispered to myself as everyone left after we said our goodbyes.

It was a 2 story apartment, more like a condo with 2 bedrooms. One for an office and one for the actual bedroom. Super cute!

It had the basics in it, luckily I had a comfy bed with everything that went along with it so I wasn't too worried about my sleep schedule.

I was worried about the E.K. concert!

It was in 3 days and I definitely wasn't ready! I mean he's literally been my celebrity crush since high school. Oh what am I kidding, he probably has a girlfriend and on top of that, we're completely different. He's a rapper and I'm a rnb singer. It wouldn't work out.. right?

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