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Knowing Doffy was behind the door, probably listening, I leaned my head onto the door.

"He's just going to use me.." I cried for a different reason, but it still sucked to know. What am I doing with my life? I just want my big sister, I need Lina but I can't tell Doffy, she's my weakness. He already knows I want my family, he probably thinks that's my weakness.

I took the flower out of my hair and held it close to my heart, bringing my knees up and staring at the flower. I stood up, wiping my tears away and going into the bathroom. I washed my face, making sure I had nothing left then turning back to my bedroom.

"Fuck this." I mumbled to myself, going into my closet and putting on a black nightie.

Immediately after, I laid down on the bed and covered myself up and just laid there. I will never forgive Kid for that, he's such a fucking dick. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before falling into a deep slumber.. alone.







I woke up the next morning feeling like shit. I threw my legs off the bed, stood up, and went into the bathroom. After doing my business, I brushed out my hair and frowned. Why the fuck am I even sad about him leaving? It's his fucking choice. Taking a deep breath, I decided to go out exactly how I looked. I was tired, and I didn't want to try. Therefore; I wasn't going to.

"Good morning Miss, how did you sle-" my maid immediately went quiet when she looked at me. "Are you feeling alright? Are the clothes not to your liking? Color? Size? We may have gone too big on the top-" I held up my hand.

"No no, I slept well and everything is alright. I'm just out of it today, yesterday was very tiring so I'd rather be comfortable." I answered, giving her a smile.

She nodded with her own smile, her worried features disappearing soon after. But before I could walk off, she held a hand up.

"It's cold, may I at least get you some slippers and a coat? I heard red was your favorite color, would that work?" She hummed happily. My heart hurts again.

"Yes please. Thank you, I'll wait inside. You may come in once you get back." I answered, keeping my smile.

"Right away!" She went to walk away but I stopped her.

"I never got your name. May I know it?" I asked, she seemed surprised but nodded.

"I apologize for not telling you sooner. My name is Marla." She bowed, I smiled at her.

"You have a very pretty name." I winked, nodding my head for her to stand up straight which she did.

Soon enough, she left to get me the things she requested to me. I went back into my room and stared at the floor for several minutes. Weed sounds amazing right now..

"Miss Nior! I'm back!" Marla jogged in happily, I stood up and gave her a smile before she could see me in such a state.

She helped me put on the red coat and slippers, fixed my hair, and started leading me to a large dining room. Inside, everyone was talking at large tables, almost like Kid's crew did together. I saw a couple of heads turn towards me but I ignored them.

"Would you like me to wait for you Miss?" Marla asked while walking me over to my seat.

"If Doflamingo is there, yes please, if not, you're free to do as you like." I gave her a smile, she nodded and continued walking me to my seat.

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