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I squint my eyes and notice who that is. I drop the microphone and my eyes get completely black. The veins on my neck start turning black. My veins pop out and start reaching my eyes. i fall down having trouble breathing. Tony runs to me holding me. He feels my pulse but he doesn't feel nothing. He tries to feel my heart but I have no heart beat. I pass out and start having a seizure. I light up on fire. Pepper gets scared and starts leading everyone out of the building. Morgan walks out of the restroom and runs to me. Morgan takes out her phone and quickly calls the ambulance. The ambulance gets here and they quickly stabilize me until we get to the hospital. Morgan starts crying and Tony hugs her tight trying to comfort her.

Meanwhile at the hospital.

I slowly open my eyes and I look around. I have wires strapped all over my body and I have an IV in my two arms. I look at the machine and my heartbeat... That's not possible....no no no...that's not possible. The machine starts beeping saying that I don't have a heartbeat. Nurses run into my room and get weirded out, looking at the machine reading my heartbeat.

"That's not possible" one of the nurses say.

"She's supposed to be dead" another one says.

"The machine is perfectly fine and it's not broken... she doesnt have a heart" they start whispering. One of the nurses walk up to me checking my pulse. "She doesn't have a pulse either.." the nurse gets nervous.

"S-She's D-Dead" they say. They take off all the wires and turn off all the machines. The doctor walks in the room.

"What's going on" the doctor asks.

"She's dead" all the nurses say at the same time.

The doctor looks confused. "She looks perfectly fine and stable" the doctor says.

"She has no pulse and no heartbeat she's practically dead..." the nurse says.

"That is one strange girl" Says the other.

"Time of death June 1st, 2019. Time...5:54" the doctor says.

"But-" one of the nurses try to say but the doctor cuts him off.

"If anyone asks meaning her friends and family members...tell them she's dead" the doctor tells them. The nurse writes down on the clipboard that I'm dead and time of death. They all walk out.

"Oh and if anyone asks tell them I had to leave early" the doctor says. The nurse nods and they walk out of the room.

The doctor looks at me and smiles. He puts me on a wheel chair to 'transfer' me to a different hospital. The doctor looks really suspicious. He takes me inside his car and drives to his personal private Laboratory. He takes me inside and ties me down to a cold metal table. I get really nervous and struggle moving. I'm too nervous to say anything.

The doctor walks to me with goggles on holding a needle with some sort of liquid in it. He puts tape over my mouth so I don't try to scream. The doctor gets a call and puts down the needle next to me. He picks up the phone.

"Hello?" The doctor asks.

"Doctor it's tony stark how's Jessica doing" he asks.

"I'm sorry to say this but....she's dead" the doctor tells him.

"W-What...no...this can't be" Tony says. He sounds really mad and sad. The doctor hangs up on the phone and grabs the needle. I try to move. "Don't bother, it's not like you're going anywhere" The doctor tells me. He rips off the tape from my mouth. I breath heavily.

"Tell me where the infinity stones are" he says.

"I don't know! Why do you want them!" I scream at him.

"Oh I'm not the one who want them" the doctor says letting out a little smirk. Someone comes behind the doctor. I look at him. It's Loki...i look at him and get mad. "Where are the stones" Loki asks me. "Go to hell!" I scream at Loki. Loki makes me disappear and appear in chains hanging from the ceiling. "Feel free to torture her however you want until she tells you" Loki says walking away. The doctor walks closer to me. The doctor takes out a knife and stabs me in the leg. I start to scream letting out tears. "Wow I thought you were dead, can you feel this" the doctor asks stabbing me in the stomach. The doctor starts to laugh staring at me. "I will never hurt my friends and family...I rather die then tell you where the stones are" i tell him.

He looks at me. "You have no friends...No family... and you will never ever have anyone love you" The doctor tells me. "You are a monster!" He screams. "The avengers just feel bad for you they never liked you in the first place!" the doctor continues making marks all over my arms with the knife.

Jessica Hunter

You can do this

You are worth it

He is just trying to manipulate you

He's trying to kill your mind

He just wants you to hurt you mentally and emotionally

Who are you?

My name is April. I am your personal guardian angel as you wanna call me. I am the ghost by your side guiding your conscience.

Why are you here now. After many years of pain and tears. Why didn't you stop me from siding with a villain. I almost died.

Your head was very well protected by Stark's technology. But now that your dead. I'll always be by your side.

What do you mean I feel fine and I feel pain.

Someone took your heart and life but you are strong by yourself. You finally have gotten knowledge of what's good and bad. You can do this. Jessica Hunter. You are loved and you are strong. Just hold on a bit and The Avengers will find you.

The doctor keeps scratching me. Instead of crying I start to laugh. "You really think that a few scratches and holes in my body will make me tell you where the stones are" I say laughing.

"What?" The doctor asks confused.

The fire in my body is burning brighter and stronger in me. I get so hot and burn the chains off of me.

That's my girl.

I get closer to the doctor. He starts to back away slowly. "Who took away my heart" I ask the doctor.

He starts shaking. "Um...uh..." he says nervously.

I make a fire ball. "Ok ok fine I'll tell you" the doctor says.

The Blaze Behind Her EyesWhere stories live. Discover now