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It's a dark night in Gotham city in a different universe than where I'm supposed to be. I cant risk getting in trouble back at my universe... I'm on a motorcycle, wearing black clothes and a mask covering my face, following a truck full of money. Another stranger is following the truck. I get closer to the truck and I quickly jump off the motorcycle landing on the roof of the truck while the motorcycle explodes behind me crashing into a building.

The stranger that is following the truck sees me. "Hm..didn't know there was a second party" he thinks to himself. He flies lower to the truck undetected.

I get inside the truck through the window kicking the driver out the door.

"Oh...no..that's not good" The guy says flying further down turning back to normal from an eagle landing on the truck.

I feel the footsteps on the truck and I start speeding into an abandoned warehouse.

"Oh god" the guys says trying to stand up without falling.

I crash into a brick wall and walk out of the truck with two pistols. The guy turns into a panther and jumps on me. "Ah Ha!" The guy screams proud of himself. Looks like a teenager. Heh. This will be fun. I try shooting him but he moves out of the way scratching my hole chest cracking my arc reactor. He tries to scratch me in the face but I roll out of his way. I stand up bleeding a lot from my chest. The guy turns into a snake biting my leg making me paralyzed. The guy turns back to normal and I realize who he is Garfield Logan or should I say Beast Boy. Garfield turns to normal and takes away my pistols.

"Fuck you" I i tell him rolling my eyes. If your wondering about my powers.. well I'm the DC cinematic universe my powers don't work as much because of the different currency and vibration here and I've adapted to use them in a different universe.

"Language You crazy Lady" Garfield Says.

I look at Garfield and smile. "Fuck you" I say with a smirk on my face.

Garfield turns around and takes his eyes off me to make a call. I start moving my legs slowly by slowly and I can finally move again.

A few thugs come by and see me really mad. "You son of a bitch" they say.

Garfield turns into lion and scratches one of them and pushes the other one away by kicking him. He bites the arm of another one pointing a gun at me.

I stand up and walk towards the lion Garfield. "Thought I could stay still forever? Huh?" I ask him laughing. I kick Garfield back and he roars at me. I grab a crow bar and hit Garfield with it.

Garfield screams in pain and turns back to his normal form. Thugs start to point guns at me and I smile walking towards them. Garfield slowly stands up and turns into a panther hurting all of the thugs with his claws while he does that I start running far away from him. I run to Joker's funhouse.

It has been abandoned for years and The joker and Harley are locked up at Arkham asylum so I'm alone in this one. While I'm hiding in the Funhouse Garfield tries to track me down. I grab a gun and I walk out of the funhouse.

Garfield is in the form of a cobra hiding in the shadows. He sneaks in the funhouse hiding. He turns back to his normal form and starts looking around. "Hm what is this place" Garfield starts wondering to himself. He looks at all the torture devices and his eyes widen. "This doesn't look good" he says.

I walk back inside the funhouse and see Garfield wondering around. I lean on the wall staring at him. "Like my toys?" I ask laughing.

Garfield looks at me and gets scared. "Huh?! You!" Garfield shouted turning into a wolf. Before he tries attacking me I quickly shoot him in the stomach. Garfield turns back to normal. He groans in so much pain bleeding a lot. I walk towards Garfield.

"I-It...H-Hurts...so.......much.." Garfield slowly says.

I point the gun at him.

"P-Please..." Garfield says with tears in his eyes.

I put my shirt showing him the claw marks. "You did this to me!" I scream at him. I take off my mask.

His eyes start closing slowly as he gets surprised of who was under the mask. "J-Jessica? I-I'm....s-sorry..." Garfield says he falls unconscious on the ground passing out.

I walk away from him slowly. "Fuck this..I can't leave him like that" I say running to him. I take out the bullet and I take of my shirt putting it around his arm. "last time I help you or your friends" I tell him and walk away.

Garfield wakes up light headed. "Huh?!" He says confused and shocked. He looks at me and he's eyes widen. "You! Y-You shot me!" He says as his voice start lowering.

He tries to crawl away but I walk back towards him. "Chill out" I tell him. "Be glad I saved you because I could have let you here to rot"

"I guess....thanks.." he says.

I hear footsteps coming closer and I notice that Damian is looking for Garfield. I quickly hide into the shadows staring at them. Garfield quickly throws the shirt aside so Damian doesn't know what happened. "Beast Boy!" Damian screams running to him. "What happened?!" Damian asks him.

"I was dealing with thugs and they stabbed me" Garfield tries to explain a lie so he doesn't rat me out.

I look down feeling Guilty and sad so I slowly and quietly walk out of the funhouse. Damian carries Garfield to the teen titans tower. I can't believe he didn't tell Damian. Meanwhile at the Titans Tower. "This looks like a bullet wound, are you sure it was a knife?" Damian asks Garfield.

Garfield gets nervous and looks at Damian. "Y-Yeah..I delt with the drug dealers and the their goons came out and one stabbed me with here.." Garfield tells him.

I walk to the Titans Tower and the alarms go off Cory and Raven stand in front of me. "I'm not here to cause any more problems" I try to tell them.

Raven looks at me suspiciously. "That's impossible to believe" Raven says.

"Why??? You shouldn't even be here" Cory tells me.

"Let me through" I tell them

"not a chance" Raven says about to attack me.

The Blaze Behind Her EyesWhere stories live. Discover now