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It's just another day in New York. Ugh and I forgot today is the day. I'm starting college. At least I'll be with peter. Morgan is in a different college sadly. I quickly take a shower and put my clothes on. Ripped jeans and a crop top with a leather jacket. I put in my headphones and start walking to my college. Later after a while I finally get to the school. I walk to the prigncipals office smiling. "Hello miss.." The principal says.

"Um..hi...my name is Jessica Hunter.." I say stuttering. I haven't been in a school in forever. Let's hope this doesn't end up bad.

"Oh yes here's your schedule" the principal says handing me a paper full of information about the school and my schedule.

I start walking for a bit to look for my first period. I see a girl and I walk up to her. "Hey do you know where's 22b" I ask her. She looks at me and smiles.

"Jessica Hunter?" She asks me. I look at her and get confused. "Hey sister"

"W-What..w-who are you.." I ask.

"Abigail Hunter, we're from different dimensions and different worlds but that doesn't mean I don't love you" Hunter tells me. I hug her so tight and she hugs me back. "Your in my class we should get going" she tells me. I nod and we walk to our class.

I look at Abigail. "By the way I saw brother again...Jackson looks like he changed but I wouldn't exactly say that and I couldn't confront him so I ran off..He's in a different universe so I'm safe for now" I tell her. She smiles and we enter class.

"Hey class we have a new student joining us today" the teacher says. "What's your name"

"Jessica Hunter" I say smiling.

"Take a seat next to Peter" The teacher says.

"Hey Peter! Guess what?!" I say hugging him.

All the students start whispering to eachother.

"Aren't you the flame girl"

"Wow friends with peter..Spider-Man"

"Heh two heroes in one class well wouldn't call you guys a hero"

"Last time I remember she married Loki the super villain"

My smile quickly wiped away from my face. I grab peters hand and pull him outside the class. "They've been bothering me for week...they know I'm spiderman" Peter tells me.

"No they don't...give me your suit" I say.

"What" he asks confused.

"Come on" I say. He opens his bag and hands me his suit. I quickly put it on putting the mask over my head. "How do I look" I ask him.

"You look cute" peter says. "But what are you going to do"

"Watch" I say. I shoot webs and crawl around the ceiling. Everyone stairs at me while Peter takes a seat smiling. "Hello everyone.." Everyone gets so shocked. "I need you all to stop making rumors about my friend over here please I am the real Spider-Man...so I ask as a favor to stop talking about him thank you" I jump off the Roof and peter catches me.

"Thank you" he whispers.

"I'll drop of your suit after school" I smile. Thank god I have clothes under this. I run to the bathroom and I take off the suit and place it in my back pack. Later I go back to class. Few hours pass by and school ends. We walk outside school and see the TVs turn on. The news... I see Loki... what... "NO!" I scream. "He promised me!" My hands turn on fire and I fly to the avengers tower. I land in front of Loki.

"Oh..hey...honey" Loki says nervously.

"Don't 'hey honey' me, you know exactly what you did" I grab his Scepter and throw it at Tony as he catches it. I grab the tesseract and give it to Clint. I grab his helmet and put it down. "Take him away" I tell Thor. He nods and grabs Loki.

The Blaze Behind Her EyesWhere stories live. Discover now