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I walk to the computer and put in his password.

"How did you-" he asks.

"I have my ways" I say smiling. I go through the files and look at a few surprising files. "....." I stay speechless for a minute and then look back at Tony with a shocked look. I can't believe what I'm looking at..... Everything is different. Everything is changed.

Morgan is in Chicago dating some kid in her school.

Pepper and Tony split up.

Peter apparently is cheating on me.

Aunt May Is dead.

Loki is in a Asylum??? What? Mentally Disabled? This isn't right.

The avengers all went there separate ways. The only ones that stayed were...Tony, Natasha, And Clint. This is weird.

I look up at Tony as he comes closer. "What's with the files..?" I ask him confused. "It's everything that has been going on for a month..why do you have it saved?"

"Because I was doing some research so I wrote everything down..." Tony tells me.

"Research? What are you talking about" I ask him.

"Ever since you disappeared...everything has been different and unusual.." he explains to me. "Everyone thinks it's just how it's meant to be.." he keeps explaining. "But the true is...something is wrong"

"When did you first realized that something was going on?" I ask.

"Well...it was a week after you disappeared.. I know something isn't right here well because Peter doesn't cheat, Pepper wouldn't just divorce me without hearing me out and Morgan loves me way too much to just leave" He tells me. "The avengers all hate eachother and it's just the three of us standing"

"So ever since I left right?" I ask.

"Yeah why?" He asks confused.

I smile and put all the files in a USB turning off the computer and putting the USB in around my neck. I look at Tony giving him a quick kiss walking out of the office.

"Where are you going!" Tony asks me.

"To find answers" I tell him as I borrow one of his motorcycles.

I drive to the avengers tower. I see some agents from S.H.I.E.L.D guarding the tower. I stop and look at them. I get ready and grab onto the motorcycle with a tight grip. I start speeding into the entrance as the agents all jump out of the way. I break down the door and jump off the motorcycle as it crashes into the wall. I start running to the meeting room to use the computer there. That's where Nick Fury left his computer at. I open his computer. It's unlocked. I look through his files and add all of those files into the USB with the other files. I hear footsteps and someone walks through the door. I look at him nervously backing away from the computer. It's nick fury..

"Oh look who decided to finally show up.." Fury says walking to the computer. He checks the computer and all the files are missing. He looks at the USB around my neck. "Give me it" He says me.

"No!" I scream at him. Agents walk in through the door.

"Take her away" Fury tells them.

"I said no!" I scream at him again. "You left me no choice" I say. My hands light up on fire and I through fire balls at all the agents. I run of the room and lock myself in the bathroom. Remember April Right. My personal little friend that's supposed to stay in my mind. Yeah so she's my personal demon which if either of us want to she can become a psychical person and yes everyone can see her. "April" I whisper. April comes out of my mind and becomes visible in front me.

The Blaze Behind Her EyesWhere stories live. Discover now