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"He said something about an orb talking to him but I didn't know what he meant..." I say.

"orb? But this doesn't make since if it's some sort of mystical matter than I'll talk to raven" Tim says. Tim leaves the room to go find Raven.

Damian walks closer to me looking at me.

"hey Hunter just because we let you here doesn't mean we are buddy buddy your still a criminal but we will let you off this time..you're probably working for some criminal mastermind" he says.

"Well of course you have no idea who I am, you're too stupid to realize that I'm not from this universe" I say crossing my arms

Damian looks at me angry and confused but he leaves immediately.

"finally that annoying brat is gone" I say.

"I wouldn't bother listening to him..you look like you have changed Jessica and I'm glad your helping one of us if you know what I mean" Cory tells me.

"Yeah..." I say.

"It only takes one person to bring out the good" she says smiling.

I walk towards Garfield and touch him. "hm that's weird" I say. "Uh Cory..."

"what's wrong" she asks me.

"Can you scan him and tell me if there's anything weird out of the normal" I ask her.

"well yeah" she says. She scans his body. His heart beat is fast everything is...wrong. "He...oh no" she says nervously.

Garfield's eyes open wide.

"He's not the one acting weird... something took over his body" I tell her.

Garfield breaks the chains. "AHH!" He screams.

"Cory find the others now" I tell her.

Garfield roars lowdly.

"the hell is that!" Damian asks.

Garfield turns to wolf and bites off Cory's skin. "GRRR!" He growls

"CORY NO" I scream and look at you. "You really passed your limit Garfield..." I say and slowly walk to you. "Gar..."

Garfield hits the lock down button so no one can come in.

"NO!" Damian shouts out mad.

I get scared and back away slowly.

Damian, Raven and Tim try to break down the door.

"Garfield please..." I say

He turns back to normal and looks at me. "You.." He says as his claws grow sharper. Hestarts walking closer to me.

"Please your better than this you lied for a villain you let me go I would have been dead without you" I tell him. "If you hear me Garfield please don't do this"

"Dont...call....ME.....THAT!!!" He screams as he rips medical bed apart and throws it near me.

I fall down and he gets closer to me.

"Jessica look out!!!!" Damian says looking through the small window of the door.

I looks into his eyes and smile then I look at the floor and close my eyes.

Conner breaks down the door. "Gar....I mean Beast Boy calm down you dont want to do this" he says.

Garfield looks over at Conner and He turns to tiger.

"final warning!" Conner says.

Garfield jumps on Conner trying to bite him. Conner pushes him away and punches him. Garfield grabs his arm with his teeth and bites him hard.

The Blaze Behind Her EyesWhere stories live. Discover now