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Please no! Make it stop! I fall down with my hands to my head and I start screaming. Out of no where I black out. I can't move or talk. I'm completely lost in my own mind. It's like I feel conscious but I'm not. I can hear people talking but I can't see or move. The voices have stopped and so did the visions. That must be a good sign...I think? I can hear someone talking but I can't hear the exact words they're saying maybe if I try to stay silent I can hear clearly what they're saying. Huh it's Loki and Morgan they seem to be arguing. I feel tony stark, Thor, and Bucky standing there too. They are all arguing.

"Loki what the hell is wrong with you" Thor starts screaming at him.

"It's all your fault!" Morgan shouts out.

"She's probably dead thanks to you!" Bucky screams at him.

"You son of a bitch" tony says.

They are all screaming at Loki because of me. They are so mad. I'm scared if it comes to a point where they'll hurt each other.

"She's probably still alive! You don't know if she's dead!" Loki screams back.

"How would you know" Morgan asks really angry.

"Wasn't she up and running bursting into flames and beating up people with her bare hands while she had no heart beat or pulse" Loki tells them. Loki sounds like he actually cares about me.... like he sort of loves me...wait no... he's Loki the god of mischief he's cold as one can be. Tried ruling the city. He killed a lot of people and fought the avengers. I don't think that he actually cares about me or does he?

"I would never kill Jessica! I would rather die then hurt her in any way" Loki says shouting at them.

"You are cold" Bucky says.

"You are reckless" Thor says.

"You don't care about anyone besides yourself" Morgan says.

Tony on the other hand. He sounds really mad. He sound frustrated full of anger.

"Brother, tell me the real reason you wouldn't hurt her and be honest" Thor tells Loki.

Tony let's out a sarcastic laugh. "He's nothing but a liar" tony says.

"Well...Brother....Uh...Thor.. maybe... I...." Loki says stuttering.

"I'm listening.. we all are" Morgan says.

"Okay fine maybe I do kind of like her and care about her" Loki says.

Thor starts laughing. "You are real funny Loki! Your tricks never get old" Thor says.

Loki gives him a serious glare.

"Crap" Thor says.

"You're not lying" tony says.

"Oh fuck no" Bucky says angry.

"Oh god" Morgan says nervously. "Anyways we cant think about that now. Haven't you guys noticed that she's unconscious" she says.

"Oh shit" Tony says.

Morgan sighs. "I can't believe you guys forgot about her" she says.

"We can't take her to a normal hospital they'll think she's dead" Thor says.

"Wakanda" tony smirks. "I'll carry her"

"I'm her brother" Bucky says.

"Adoptive" Tony says crossing his arms.

"She loves me so I'll take her" Thor says.

"She's my best friend so I'll take her and I don't wanna here any more complaints" Morgan says as I feel a hard grip on me. Morgan carries me and flies to wakanda. The others appear in back of us with Loki. T'Challa walks to us. "Wassup kitty" tony says. T'Challa rolls his eyes and we walk to Shuri's laboratory and if you are wondering. T'Challa is black panther and Shuri is his sister. Wakanda is a part in Africa with the strongest weapons and most advanced technology.

"What bring you to Wakanda" T'Challa asks.

"Well we might have a little problem" Morgan says.

Shuri sees me and runs to me. "I can take care of that" she says smiling. "Follow me". Shuri walks to table with many machines and lasers next to it. Morgan follows her and lays me down flat on the table.

"Okay nowww..." shuri says. "Okay back away" she tries to turn on one of her lasers and it doesn't turn on. Thor walks to the laser and powers it up with his electricity. The laser turns on. "Thanks Thor" Shuri says."Mhm" he says back staring at me.

Shuri tries to use the laser on me but it explodes pushing everyone back sending loud sound waves. Shuri hands sound proof headphones to everyone so she can see what's happening to me. "Uh you guys forgot to mention that she's dead" shuri says.

"She's not" Loki says stepping forward.

"Wha-" shuri tries to say.

"Long story" tony says cutting her off.

"The only thing we can do at this point is give her a metal heart and tamper with her body like my metal arm you have me" Bucky tells shuri.

"Or she can permanently die" Bucky and shuri say at the same time. "How much do we have" tony asks her.

"About two hours or so" shuri says.

"Stop talking and get on with it" Morgan says.

Shuri starts scanning me. "The damage is too big" she says. "We need a powerful energy source" she continues. Loki walks to her and makes the space stone appear in his hand. "Use this" Loki tells her.

"What how did you? Wait? Did you steal that from me?" Tony asks Loki getting annoyed.

"What do you think I made a portal to Wakanda" Loki says laughing.

Shuri grabs the Space Stone and puts it in a metal object shaped as a heart. "You guys wait outside" shuri tells them. They all walk outside the lab and wait. Shuri does quick surgery on me and places the metal heart connecting it to my blood, organs, veins. Thanks to all this advanced tech she could do quick professional surgery with metal. She finishes with the surgery. Shuri calls the guys back inside.

"I'm done" shuri tells them as they wait until I wake up.

I feel strong energy flowing through my body. This isn't anything human like but it's compatible to withstand my heat and fire. I grunt and move a little. They all look at me happy and surprised. I slowly open my eyes and look at the boys. I smile and stand up slowly. "You can't stand up you're weak" tony says putting his hand around me helping me walk. Morgan gets really happy and runs to me hugging me. Bucky and I fist bump. He's trying so hard not to feel weak staring at his sister like this but I know him. I know he's soft. Loki looks at me and smiles. "JESSICAAAA" Thor says running to me and carrying me. I let out a soft laugh. I look at Loki as he walks closer to me. I look into his eyes and he looks back at mines. We both look at each other.

Tony grabs me and carries me over his shoulder. "Not on my watch".

"Tony!" I shout out.

"Let's make a vote" Tony says putting me down. "Who doesn't want them to kiss or get together" He asks. Everyone raises his hands.

"I'm not going to follow some stupid votes" I say. I run to Loki and pull him by his suit kissing him. He puts my hair back and puts his hand over my cheek kissing me back. Everyone looks at us and smiles.

Oh hey Loki and I kiss. I get a heart even though it's metal.... but anyway you thought it was a happy ending like most stories no no no. The story has just begun.

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