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You cant do this....your hurting yourself.." I say looking down. "your hurting me.."

"No This...is how it's meant to be! This is what I am what I want to do this! I have reached my full potential my true power I'm nothing more than a beast!" He tells Me.

"Your more than a beast your my friend" I say. "You saved me,!You let me go, You lied for me"

"You think I'm your friend I only did that because I felt bad for you I dont care about you or anyone else!!" He says.

"I know deep inside who you really are" I tell him.

"This is the real me!!" He screams.

He grabs me by the neck and smiles. "I am....BEAST BOY!!" He says.

"If you are really a monster... kill me" I sayZ

"Heh anytime" he says. He throws me hard on a tree and punches me.

I pass out.

"Im....no..what have I done....JESSICA!" He screams.

I wakes up and look at him. "Garfield?" I ask as I try to stand up but I fall down.

I cough up blood and Garfield backs away. "Garfield.." I say weakly. Raven, Damian, Cory, Kid Flash, and Batman come and surround me.

"Fuck..." I say nervously.

"GRR!!" Garfield growls getting angry.

"Grafield I know your there now snap out of it" Batman says.

Garfield turns to wolf. "GRRRR HOW ABOUT NO!!" He scrwajsbat them.

Garfield runs to me.

"Please" I say nervously.

Garfield pounces on damian to bite him then he turns to bear and slashes cory out of his way.

"GARFIELD!" I say as Raven locks me down and Kid Flash speeds to me punching Garfield in the stomach multiple times.

"Leave him alone!" I scream.

Garfield turns into a snake to slip out and bite Kid Flash's neck. He jumps off him and turns to tiger. "MORE!!" Garfield says.

Garfield stabs raven with claws.

"Garfield I know your in there" I say.

Batman grabs Garfield and kicks him into a tree then he shoot him with a poison dart.

Garfield passes out and I quickly run to him. "Garfield!" I scream.

"leave now Hunter or I'll do the same to you" Batman threatens me.

"I'm not leaving him like this" I say.

"why do you care so much about him now leave!" Batman tells me.

"Over. My. Dead. Body" I tell him.

Garfield wakes up and stabs batman in the back with his claws and throws him into a large tree that falls on him.

"Thanks for giving me the time" Garfield says. "Now..let's go before the others come"

"I didn't like him anyway" I says laughing. "Where are we gonna go"

"Funhouse only safe place that no one will no we are there Hopefully" Garfield says.

I get on my motorcycle. "Let's go" I tell him.

He turns to vulture and flys to funhouse.

I drive to the funhouse.

Garfield walks in the funhouse and sits down. "Damn me!!" Garfield says angry.

"Chillax you haven't killed anyone..yet" I say.

"You sure.." he asks.

"You should have killed batzy, He gets on my nerves...But yeah you haven't killed anyone" I tell him. "Everyone is fine"

I grab the bazooka.

"Rage is al I feel!!" He screams. "I don't know I'm red filled with rage and the damn orb thing turned me into this shit!!" He says.

"What orb" I ask him curiously.

"This red orb thing talked to me" he tells me

"What that's impossible...Are you sure" I ask him. I give him a blue drink. "Drink it, it'll keep you calm for a few hours"

Garfield drinks it then breaks glass. "Thanks" He says

"What if they find us" I ask.

"Us you mean you I'm leaving be happy I helped you" he says as he walks away slowly.

"Your not leaving" I say. "They're gonna kill you."

"And I'll kill back" Garfield tells me.

"Unbelievable" I say. I shoots you with bazooka.

He ducks and looks at me. "God damn it! What the hell Is wrong with you!" He screams at me.

I get on the motorcycle. "see ya" I say driving away.

Garfield turns to wolf and runs away.

I sees a man in a shadow and I crash into a brick wall. "What the hell" I say coughing a lot.

The man points a gun at me.

"Shit... Garfield where are you.."

Voice in Garfield's head: go back my child go back you must return

"WHAT GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!" Garfield starts screaming.

Voice in Garfield's head: trouble lurks in the shadows so I suggest you find the one to guide you throught the dark

"GRRRR!!" Garfield growls.

The man pulls the trigger and shoots me in my leg and I scream in pain.

Garfield hears screaming and his eyes burn red. He turns to large wolf and runs to me while I start to bleed out. Garfield leaps infront of me while scratching the guy by his liver. He growls at him.

"Gar...?" I ask

"I said dont call me that" he tells me. As he pounces on the man in panther form to scratch him and stab him with claws. He turns to bear and throws him to a brick wall. I start coughing out blood losing a lot of blood.

"Any last words" Garfield asks as he gets closer and closer to him in lion form.

The Blaze Behind Her EyesWhere stories live. Discover now