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T/N: No because reading this after so many years got me like???? My jaw be dropping to every single sentence like if didn't write this. Listen I was twelve and dumb as hell 😭😭 This is so cringy and it's all over the place. This is gonna end up killing me omg.

Under Regina's control

I open the lock of the bathroom and walk out of the bathroom smiling. Oliver quickly runs closer to me hugging him. I pull back from the hug and pull in Oliver for a kiss as he opens his eyes wide and the puts his hand on my cheek. Luke pulls me back from Oliver. "Are you crazy! You have a boyfriend!" Luke tells me. I smile and kiss him on the check as I start to walk out of the school.

Oliver and Luke catch up to me. "You're such a bitch, you know that right" Oliver says smiling.

I smile. "Yeah..i know" I say.

"Somethings off" Luke whispers to Oliver.

"I know" Oliver whispers back.

"Well then if she kissed you why didnt you pull back, ya know she has a boyfriend" Luke tells him.

Oliver smiles. "Couldnt help it" He says.

I start to feel nauseous. I get dizzy and fall down. Luke quickly catches me. "Jess what's wrong" Luke asks really worried about me.

"I'm...p-pregnant..... and i feel like shit" I tell him.

"Wait pregnant? By who? And why didn't you tell us?" Oliver starts asking.

"I didn't wanna make a big deal out of it.." I say.

Oliver smiles. "I'm happy for you...honestly but who's the father" He asks.

"Most importantly how many months have you been like this" Luke asks.

"Uhh well n-nine.. n-nine Months and I'm supposed to be..um..due t-tomorrow...." I say nervously.

Oliver and Luke looks at each other as their eyes widen in shock. "Who's the father?!" They both ask.

"L-Loki.." I say.

"You are fucking crazy! You know that right!?" Oliver yells at me.

"What will your boyfriend think about this" Luke asks.

I stand up looking at them and smile. "Im gonna tell them Today....grab my phone and text Loki" I say. Luke nods and texts Loki to meet her at the school of magic that we're in. "I'll tell Peter.. Later...." I say.

We walk out of the school and I see Loki. He smiles at me and walks closer to me. "Hey jess what did you needed to tell me that was so urgent that I had to leave something important I was doing" Loki asks.

I look at him feeling sick. "B-by.. important....y-you mean.... ruining Tony's R-reputation......" I ask stuttering.

"Yeah...are you okay?" Loki asks me a bit worried.

"Tell him before you make things worst" Oliver tells me really upset.

Loki looks at Oliver and Luke and then he looks back at me. "Who are they" he asks.

"Oh right this is Oliver and Luke..good f-friends of..m-mine..."I say weakly I fall down and Oliver catches me.

Loki gets really worried about me. "Jessica! Are you okay" Loki asks. He helps me up and looks at me. "Jessica tell me..what is wrong with you" he asks me desperate for an answer.

"I'm pregnant!" I let out not thinking straight.

"Peter's child.....?" Loki asks hoping it to be Peter's child.

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