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Damian sees the body walks to it. "Dont worry I think hes unconscious" Damian tells us.

"He is" Garfield says.

"I don't think he'll wake up any time soon" I say laughing.

He calls Cory telling her to put Jason in the jet. Cory quickly carries him and takes him to the jet. Before I can walk away Damian stops me and looks at me standing right in front of me. "your not going anywhere" Damian tells me.

I cross my arms and look at me. "What do you want" I ask him angrily.

"we have to sort you out, we are not done with you" Damian says.

"Go fuck yourself" I tell him.

"what do I do with her Damian" Raven asks him.

"Take her to the Asylum" Damian tells her.

"Shit" I say nervously. I start running out of the cave. Raven levitates me and stops me. "Put me down" I say mad.

"How bout I take her" Garfield says walking back behind Damian.

Damian Turns to Garfield and looks at him. "you have done today has caused trouble" Damian tells him.

"I only helped her so she can go to the damn Asylum we need a live prisoner not dead one" Garfield says lying to him.

"very well but I'll be tracking you now go" Damian says.

"See ya" I say

Garfield handcuffs me and chains my legs so I don't try to run away.

"Is this necessary" I ask Garfield.

"Yeah dont worry you'll be more comfortable in your cell" Garfield says winking at me.

I smile and we start walking to the funhouse. "Aren't they tracking us?" I ask him.

"I broke my communicator while Damian was talking" Garfield says laughing.

"You should probably go" I tell him.

"Yeah I guess..but you know they will hunt you down once they see your not at Arkham" Garfield tells me. "So be careful.."

"I will thanks for everything" I say hugging him. "bye"

"Yeah no problem.." he says hugging me back. We hear sirens and I quickly hide. "Damn it" I say quietly. The funhouse is crawling with polices. Garfield turns into a small bird and flies out of the funhouse. I sneak out through the back.

Damian sees me.

"shit that's not good" I say nervously as I notice him staring at me.

Garfield goes back to the Titans Tower angry.

Garfield starts hearing a voice telling him things....Garfield you have done wrong very wrong to the balance although many have helped the corrupted along the way you have a feeling all mercy upon them no matter the cause

"W-Who are you!" Garfield asks.

"now you shall pay the price"

"restore balance"

"AHHHH!!!!!" Garfield starts screaming. His skin starts burning and I start turning red. "GRRRR AHHH!!" He screams full of hate and anger.

I start running from Damian and he quickly grabs me punching me into a wall while he hits me with his staff.

"Damian please" I say

"End of the line" he says kicking me down and he puts me in handcuffs.

"Come on Damian" I say. "Before I go can I at least see Garfield one more time"

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