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"S.H.I.E.L.D is taking you back....to..you know" Clint says.

"Well actually..we had a change of plans....I'm taking you to School for the little broken girls....They will teach you many things it's not an ordinary school" Nick says.

I look at him and get scared. "No...no...NO!" I say getting a bit angry. The agents grab my arm putting power proof cuffs on me so I don't escape or hurt anyone.

"Go tell the avengers that she will be no longer part of the outside world....she's too dangerous" Nick tells Clint. Clint nods and goes back downstairs to tell the avengers. The agents put me in the back of a black van and they start driving to the school. An hour passed by and we get there. It was a long trip. Far away from the avengers. The agents grab my arms and pull me out of the Van. A lady wearing a white gown gives papers to Nick Fury. He signs them and then leaves. The lady grabs my arm and walks inside the school. I look at a sign. 'For the mentally disable' what the hell. It's an asylum. I have to get out of here.

The lady looks at me and smiles. "My name is Olivia Maxwell" she tells me. "But you can call me Dr. maxwell"

"Doctor..I have a few questions..." I tell her nervously.

"My assistant will help you, her name is Charlotte Warren" Olivia tells me. Charlotte walks to me and leads me into a room.

"You may take a seat" Charlotte says.

I sit down in a chair and look at her. "Where am I" I ask her curiously.

"Well this school is sort of like an asylum" Charlotte starts to explain. "But the difference is that here we don't have as many rules and you don't sleep in a box" she keeps saying. "Here we teach you many skills for example....Gymnastics, ballet, fighting and self control" she continues. "Here we will turn you into a new person and if your ready you may leave this place....but that's not happening for a few years and maybe we'll let you have visitors if there's anyone who wants to see you"

"So how does this work?" I ask her.

"Here's the schedule" She says handing me a paper. "The boys are separated in one place and the girls in the other....the boys do well of course...fighting, karate, and they learn how to use weapons" she tells me.

"And girls" I ask.

"Ballet, dancing, singing, gymnastics and how to control powers which boys also learn that" she tells me. "Any more questions?" She asks.

"Uh no...what about my room" I ask her.

"It's on the bottom of the schedule you will have two other girl with you" she says. I nod and she takes me into the Auditorium. I take a seat as I see the girls dancing and learning ballet. "You know where to find me If you need anything" she tells me. "Oh and by the way I just got a message someone is here to see you, do you want to see them" she asks.

"Uh yes of course can they come here? I'm feeling really tired" I tell her.

"Yes honey I'll call him in" she says.

I see Tony flying in his iron suit. He lands in front of me. All the girls run to him smiling and laughing. These girls keep flirting with him. I'm gonna explode.......in




"Okay y'all fucking sluts need to back away! This is my man" I tell them about to start a fight. I probably shouldn't have said that but it's too late. Tony looks at me and smiles. "Hey Tony whats up" I say trying to hope he forgets what I said.

"So I'm yours now?" He says laughing.

I laugh and look at him. "Shut up" I tell him.

"How did you end up here" Tony asks me.

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