1-Back in the Region

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The trainer and his pokemon got down from the transport they used to get to Johto, seeing how things have changed since the last time he's been there, more people, newer buildings, and more trainers and their pokemon, this was probably gonna be a long tournament if there was so many trainers participating.

The pair walked around, trying to guide themselves to where different places were, but like if it were a curse, Silver heard a voice behind him.

-“Silver?! Is that really you?” Silver turned back to see the dark haired male, with wide golden eyes and a big stupid smile across his face as he approached him. “Silver! I haven't seen you in ages!” Gold added excitedly, there was just a few different things about him, his hair was slightly longer, his jacket was open, he didn't wear the goggles he always wore, and he seemed to have grown a bit of a beard.
-“Gold...it's great to see you too” Silver said sarcastically, which didn't phase the other, it was in their nature to bicker like this, and it was no different now that they were adults.
-“I can't believe you're actually here! I thought we'd never see you again” Gold scratched his nape as his own partner pokemon caught up with them, a Typhlosion almost as big as Silver's feraligatr.
-“Well guess what, we're here to win this, i dont have time to deal with you guys again” The taller male scoffed rolling his eyes, this behavior seemed to excite the older however.
-“Looks like someone hasn't changed a bit since we last met, aside from the tied hair and longer coat of course, but don't ya wanna know where you two can stay for the night-” Before he could finish, Gold was struck with a slap across the face, the redhead had enough of his yapping. “Yep...that's Silver alright!” He managed to say despite the stinging pain the strike left him, Silver simply scoffed and walked away with the feraligatr, Gold's typhlosion going to his aid.

The redhead continued to walk, seeing a familiar pair of girls, knowing they were going to try and talk to him, he tried to go by unnoticed, but being unsuccessful, since he heard their voices going towards him.

-“Silver! Long time no see!” the shorter of the two ladies exclaimed, her brown pigtails bouncing as she ran towards him. Silver simply sighed and decided to just take it, turning around to talk for a moment so they'd leave him alone.
-“Lyra, Krystal, its nice to see ya both” He added sarcasm again, the two unphazed at his usual behavior.
-“Are you here for the Johto Christmas Pokemon Tournament?” Lyra asked with a smile, Krystal in the other hand, was a bit more calm but less enthusiastic about seeing the redhead.
-“Yeah, why else would i be?” Silver asked looking at them, his tone was neutral, though there was a hint of impatience, they knew this wasn't the time to tease him, so Lyra decided to finally get straight to the point.
-“Well in that case, do you want to stay at our apartment? We have a free guest room for ya to stay at” the brunette suggested which made the male think a bit. They did offer this, after all. “And we've got extra beds, too!” She ended up saying to which Silver nodded. If this place was as comfortable as Lyra said it was, he couldn't pass on this opportunity.
-“I dont see why not... just don't bother me alright?” He added, Lyra nodded with a smile, they knew this was their classic Silver.

Silver did notice Krystal looking at him funny, like if something was up with him, but he shook it off as they walked to the apartment complex.

Once they got there, Silver went to what would be his room for the time being, setting his stuff while his Feraligatr greeted Lyra's Marill and Krystal's Bayleef. The latter two pokemon were happy to see him, but not so happy about the fact that their trainer was staying over.
It didn't matter to Silver anyway, he would get used to it and eventually stop hating the idea, he'd just keep it to himself. After all, he could live with it, even after so many years.

Heading to the living room for dinner, he saw those golden eyes again, the eyes of his "rival" or well, he would always consider him his rival, but what was he doing here?.

-“Silver! I was just about to call ya for dinner!” Lyra said setting the table with Gold's help.
-“Silver, i heard from Krys that you were gonna be in the JCPT hm?” the dark haired male asked, Silver looking away with his usual attitude.
-“Of course i am, im guessing you are too” Silver sat down at the table with the others, their pokemon eating together at the other side of the room, each one enjoying their meals.
-“Heck yeah I am! I may work with my family in the breeding center nowadays but that doesn't mean I gave up on pokemon battles!" Gold responded, making Silver roll his eyes, great, he still had to put up with him the entire tournament.
-“I wish you luck Goldie! I know you can do it” Krystal said smiling sweetly, which made Silver roll his eyes again, she seemed to stick to Gold like a kid and a cactus, not to mention they were sitting next to eachother, but was it really a surprise if they were dating or anything?. His suspicions were confirmed when Gold spoke up after a bit of eating.
-“Well looks like someone’s getting more affectionate than usual” He said giggling sheepishly, making the teal haired girl blush and giggle before giving him a kiss, Silver couldn't help but feel weird, was it just annoyance? Or what was it?. He just decided to keep quiet and eat.

After everyone finished eating, Silver took a shower, deciding he should get some rest and start training soon so they'd have the best chances. When he got out of the shower, he was surprised to see his Feraligatr asleep on the floor next to the bed, the rest of the pokemon asleep as well, he sighed and changed into some sleepwear, plopping onto his bed and getting some rest, the others were probably asleep as well.

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