10-Lillipup Love

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Dawn arrived sooner than expected, and Lyra was pretty happy to see her after last night's party, the group had lunch and talked about some things in the meantime, Lyra and Dawn exchanging kisses and compliments, Silver felt a little jealous, he wanted that kind of thing with Gold, and it was impossible to deny it at this rate, especially considering how obvious it was that they like eachother and how much attention they were getting from everyone else, he remembered what Lyra told him the night before, "don't be a Skitty, tell him how you feel" Lyra was so right about that, he was being such a skitty by hiding his feelings for Gold, but it felt like Krystal's presence prevented it.

Once they finished eating lunch, they exchanged their gifts, except for Silver and Gold who had already given eachother their gifts, though Gold had prepared stuff for the others, he got Krys a warm beanie and Lyra got a red bandana that she tied around her neck. Krys got Gold a chain with some small teal crystals attached, she then got Lyra a pair of earrings with little clay marills attached, she found it so cute she immediately put them on as well as her bandanna, and then Krys got Silver his gift, as Silver opened it, she began speaking.

-“I dont really know what you like right now, so i got you a copy of my favorite book” as Silver saw the title, the cover was of two men, their torsos cut off of the shot and only their body from the waist down was visible, the title of the novel read "On Accident" and the author was some Shauntal person, Silver skimmed through some of the pages, reading a few of the lines before reading the synopsis at the back, something about a man being in love with another, but being in intense denial about it, he couldn't help but feel like it was too close to his situation with Gold.

Lyra got Krys a super pretty shirt, Krystal seemed to have wanted it for a while, evident by her sudden happiness seeing it. Gold got a cyndaquil keychain from Lyra, which he smiled at and showed his typhlosion, the pokemon seeming to be happy. Then Lyra got Silver a box of truffles, seemed like she didn't know what to give him either, but Silver wasn't complaining. And Finally, Lyra got Dawn a platinum ring, which was a surprise to the other three, Lyra usually gave her bigger gifts, but they shouldve realized it had a deeper meaning.

-“You tell them” Lyra said as the other girl smiled wide.
-“Lyra and I are engaged!” the Sinnoh girl announced, shock and surprise coming from the others, which turned into congratulations to the couple.
After that, the pokemon got some treats and toys as their gifts, the group of trainers chatting and laughing together, Silver was mostly silent as he began eating his truffles.

-“Silv! can i get one? please?” Gold asked giving the redhead an innocent look.
-“Hey! i gave those to Silver!” Lyra pouted playfully before Silver chuckled.
-“I dont mind sharing atleast one with him” Silver said getting one of the truffles and holding it out for Gold to bite into, sort of feeding him the truffle, Lyra and Dawn couldn't help but giggle at the interaction between them. Silver simply rolled his eyes in amusement as Gold swallowed the truffle happily.

The next couple of days went pretty smoothly, Silver didn't really expect to stay in Johto longer than initially planned, noticing his feraligatr and Gold's typhlosion having a very strong and friendly bond, maybe it wouldn't hurt to spend more time with Gold, Lyra's words still ringing in his head, if only it was that simple considering Krystal had been distant towards Silver, yet he noticed Gold and him being extremely close with eachother, they seemed to have grown fond of each other after all, which made his heart jump when he thought about it.

Though something would change his goal one Saturday evening.
Gold had gone to assist something in his mother's pokemon daycare, and Lyra had gone with to help him out, Silver and Krys stayed at the apartment however, Krystal seemed upset as she did some paperwork, Silver relaxed a little while his feraligatr took a nap right next to the couch where Silver layed on.
It seemed way too quiet, the only audible sounds being the ticking of the clock and feraligatr's quiet snores, the redhead knew he had to break the silence somehow.

-“Krys? i dont think you told me what you currently do” He said out of the blue, making Krys flinch a bit.
-“Why do you care?” Krystal snapped a bit, the male raising a brow at her sudden attitude.
-“I just wanna catch up with you, plus its way too quiet in here” He responded while crossing his legs and placing his arms on his own abdomen.
-“Well...i am working” She replied coldly and turning her full attention back onto the paper in front of her. Silver didn't seem very satisfied with that dry as all hell answer, but simply sighed.
Silence surrounded the house once again as Silver tried to distract himself in his thoughts about what happened at the party, Gold and him were never that close, atleast as close as Red and Blue were, never in his life would he think about being with Gold in such a way that he wanted to never be separated from him, and that book Krys got him for Christmas seemed to have taught him something.

He was in love, in love with Gold, and he's been in denial about it for a while, all this drama with his own father and Team Rocket had fueled that denial further, but now that it was sort of over, he had realized that the dark haired boy he used to despise was now someone he loved, not just as a friend...but as something even more.
Silver shook his head, trying to snap himself back to reality, Krystal beginning to speak as he did so.

-“So...what's your deal with Gold?” she asked coldly, not taking her eyes off the papers.
-“What do you mean?” Silver asked confused, wondering what she meant with that question.
She looked up from her paper and placed it on the coffee table, facing Silver as she continued.
-“Look, Silver. You're always looking at Gold with this endearing look whenever he's around. It makes me sick” Krys crossed her arms and glared at the redhead.
-“Oh...well..he's my friend, nothing more” Silver stated, not sure whether this was true or not.

Krystal scoffed.
-“Yeah sure, sure…you've known eachother since our journey began and now you're so into him. Well, I'm gonna say it once and you better keep it in mind, he's not interested. So stop thinking he might be because he won't ever be.” Her voice becoming hard and harsh with each word she spoke.
-“Tch, says his ex girlfriend. What do you know about how he feels?” Silver sneered at her.
-“This happened once before, Gold broke up with me, dated that guy from Kalos and soon enough he came back to me after breaking things off with him, it's happened once and I'm sure it'll happen again, so don't get your hopes up”  The teal haired girl explained calmly.
That comment hit Silver like a ton of bricks, Krys telling him how Gold treated her once, and now she was saying the same thing about him. Silver felt like Krystal had hit him with a blunt instrument without warning.
Before he could say anything, Krys rose her hand towards him, signalling for him to shut up, she looked away and spoke in a softer tone.
-“If you love him so much, why don't you go talk to him? I'm pretty sure he'd rather hear your side then mine anyways”

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